Intent to Register

There is a fair bit of general information about submitting an Intent to Register on the BMSc website that also pertains to submitting an Intent to Register (ITR) for Neuroscience. The ITR period runs throughout the month of March, and the deadline to submit an ITR is April 2.

General ITR Information for Honours Specialization in Neuroscience

Submitting an ITR for Year 2 Neuroscience (*includes a video*)

Watch this video about submitting an ITR for Year 2 Neuroscience and then review the information below. 

Make sure you select Honours Specialization in Neuroscience as your First Choice during Intent to Register!

It is anticipated that the 30 spaces available in Year 2 will be filled by students who select Neuroscience as their First Choice during ITR. See Admission to Year 2 for more information.

Steps to complete your ITR:

  • choose your intended course load for Fall/Winter by selecting Full-time and click on Continue

  • choose your faculty: click on the drop-down arrow and select "Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry" as your faculty

  • choose your degree: click on the drop-down arrow and select Bachelor of Science - Neuroscience or Bachelor of Science - Western Scholars - Neuroscience
    • if you select Bachelor of Science - Western Scholars - Neuroscience, a pop-up box will appear to inform you of the requirements for Western Scholars. Either click OK or cancel to go back and select Bachelor of Science). If you are not eligible for Western Scholars, you will still be considered for Year 2 Honours Specialization in Neuroscience

  • choose your module(s): click on the drop-down arrow to select whether you want to request Honours Specialization or
    Honours Specialization + Major or
    Honours Specialization + Minor
    (see the ITR FAQs below for more information about completing a Major or Minor in addition to the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience).

Submitting an ITR for Year 3 Neuroscience

Students currently in Year 2 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience are assured registration in  Year 3 Neuroscience as long as they satisfy the Progression Requirements in the Academic Calendar.

If you are registered in Year 2 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience, then you can submit your ITR by clicking on "continue in current program". If you are confident that you will satisfy the requirements to progress to Year 3 of this module, then you do not need to select a Second Choice.

  • If you don't submit your ITR before the deadline, then the Office of the Registrar will push in your degree/module from this year as your ITR for next year (without a Second Choice)

For students in other programs in Year 2, admission to Year 3 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience is possible only if students in Year 2 Neuroscience either do not successfully progress to Year 3 or leave Neuroscience after Year 2. If you are not in Neuroscience in Year 2 and wish to submit an ITR for Neuroscience for Year 3, then follow the steps listed above for "Submitting an ITR for Year 2".

Submitting an ITR for Year 4 Neuroscience

Only students in Year 3 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience may request this module for Year 3.

If you are registered in Year 3 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience, then you can submit your ITR by clicking on "continue in current program".

  • if you are registered in an additional Major or Minor module and click on "continue in current program", you will carry this additional module to Year 4. If you do NOT want to register with the additional Major or Minor in Year 4, then follow the steps as in "Requesting Year 2 ..."

Q&A session with Jen Chambers, BMSUE Coordinator (Interdisciplinary Studies) about submitting ITR for Year 2 Neuroscience

  • Friday, March 22 from 11:30am-12:30pm
  • Location: MSB 190

FAQs for ITR:

Do I have to put Neuroscience as my First Choice for ITR? (*includes a video*)


Watch this video to determine eligibility for the Program and also for steps on how to submit your ITR with Neuroscience in mind.  

All available spaces in Year 2 of the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience have filled each year with students who submitted Neuroscience as their First Choice.

If you put Neuroscience as your Second Choice, then you will likely not be considered for admission to this module.

What if I get into Year 2 Neuroscience and then decide I don't want Neuroscience?

If you are admitted to Year 2 Neuroscience and then decide that you want to register in second year of a different program (e.g. Medical Sciences 2), then you can request this change during the summer. See Adjudication for details, including the process and deadline.

If you were registered in Medical Sciences 1 and are eligible to progress to Medical Sciences 2, then you will be allowed to register in Medical Sciences 2.

If I don't get into Year 2 Neuroscience, then can I apply for Year 3?

If you "shadow" the course selection of a student in Year 2 Neuroscience, then you can submit an ITR for Year 3 Neuroscience BUT the chances of being admitted to Year 3 Neuroscience are slim. 

The 30 students admitted to Year 2 Neuroscience are guaranteed the 30 spots in Year 3 as long as they satisfy their Progression Requirements. A space will only open up for Year 3 if a Year 2 Neuroscience student leaves the program (either switches to another program or doesn't meet the Progression Requirements).

Can I complete a Major or Minor module, in addition to an Honours Specialization in Neuroscience?

Yes. Keep in mind, however, that taking an additional Major will definitely require more than 20.0 credits to complete the BSc degree.

If you want to complete an additional Major or Minor that contains courses that also show up in the Honours Specialization in Neuroscience, then you will need to check out the Common Course Policy that applies to students in Science and Schulich (BMSc and BSc) programs. A maximum of 1.0 “common course” can be double-counted toward both modules.

Can the BSc in Neuroscience be combined with an HBA (5-year combined BSc/HBA program)?

No, unfortunately, it is not possible to complete a combined BSc (Neuroscience)/HBA degree. The two degrees can be completed within 6 years (not a combined program).

Deadline to submit your ITR is March 31. Go to Student Center to submit ITR. 

Questions about module choices for ITR?  Book a Zoom meeting with the BMSUE Coordinator for help

Questions about the impact of academic performance on ITR? Contact Academic Counselling - NCB 280.