Speaker Series


2024 - 2025 Invited Speakers

Time: 9:00am - 10:00am
Location: Talbot College Rm 141

Date Name Seminar Title

October 1, 2024


Brad Wyble, PhD

Professor, Department of Psychology

Penn State University 

"Building compositional memories from latent spaces in a generative model"

October 29, 2024


Leah Mayo, PhD

Parker Psychedelics Research Chair
Lead, Novel Therapeutics

Mathison Centre for Mental Health Research & Education
Hotchkiss Brain Institute
Department of Psychiatry, University of Calgary

"The highs and lows of exploring the endocannabinoid system as a novel therapeutic target for PTSD"

November 12, 2024

Amanda Melin, PhD

Canada Research Chair in Primate Genomics and Dietary Ecology
Professor, Department of Anthropology and Archeology

University of Calgary

"The Sensory Ecology of Food Selection by Wild Capuchin Monkeys"

December 3, 2024



 Nicholas Turk-Browne, PhD

Professor, Department of Psychology
Director, Wu Tsai Institute

Yale University

 "Learning and memory in the infant brain"

February 4, 2025


Treva Glazebrook Lecturer 


Morgan Barense, PhD

Professor and Canada Research Chair
Max and Gianna Glassman Endowed Chair in Neuropsychology

University of Toronto 

"Enhancing real-world event memory"

March 25, 2025

Giuseppina Pilloni, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology

New York University


April 15, 2025


Ishmail Abdus-Saboor, PhD

Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences

Columbia University


May 13, 2025

Dr. Eyal Kimchi

Assistant Professor, Department of Neurology

Northwestern University

"Disentangling the Pathophysiology of Delirium"