Course Information
Neuroscience 9500: Principles of Neuroscience (half credit)
This is survey course that stresses the development of critical thinking skills while covering major topics in integrative Neuroscience. This course is mandatory for first year Neuroscience students. The course is team taught by members of the Neuroscience Program. In each class one or more research articles are discussed in a Socratic style requiring student participation. Grading is based on student participation in class discussions, an oral presentation of a research article and a written assignment.
The objectives of this advanced graduate level neuroscience course are:
A) To provide a forum for discussion on the types of experimental models and data analyses used in neuroscience research.
B) To teach students critical thinking skills of how to review, criticize, write, discuss and present experimental results.
C) To provide an overview of current topics in integrative neuroscience.
Perspectives in Neuroscience Seminar Series
A weekly series of talks by students and by invited experts in neuroscience from outside the university (about monthly). Students will be required to complete this milestone in each academic year of their full-time enrollment. The course will include presentations by all students registered in the program, in which each individual presents an annual update on their graduate research.
Comprehensive Assessment for PhD candidates
The purpose of the comprehensive assessment is to emphasize and gauge the development of skills needed to succeed as a PhD student. Students will be assessed on their depth and breadth of knowledge within their domain of study, their ability to think critically and evaluate relevant literature, understand key concepts and methods in their domain of study, and express scientific thoughts in a written and verbal manner.
Full details on the comprehensive assessment can be viewed by clicking here.
Neuroscience 9601: Grant Writing
The purpose of this course is to train graduate students in preparing grant applications in order to improve their chances of future success in obtaining research funds. Students will be instructed on how to prepare a complete grant application package on a topic of their choosing, which will be prepared in stages. During the course, students will give presentations for their grant, and provide feedback.
Optional Graduate Courses
The following neuroscience-related courses are offered by various departments, however, not always in the current academic year. You must refer to department websites to see what courses are currently being offered. This list is not exclusive. Additional courses may be included from other disciplines such as biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology, or mathematics.
Anatomy 9569 - Clinical Neuroanatomy
Biochemistry 9524 - Current Topics in Membrane Proteins (not offered 24/25)
Computer Science 9542 - Advanced A.I.
Computer Science 9642 - Programming for Scientists
Computer Science 9643 - ALG & Data Structure for Scientist
Computer Science 9860 - Machine Learning
Kinesiology 9449 - Exercise Neuroscience
Medical Biophysics 9650 - MRI Concepts
Medical Biophysics 9663 - MRI Physics
Medical Biophysics 9709 - Biomedical Applications of Neural Networks
Neuroscience 9551 - Integrative Neuroscience
Philosophy 9230 - Issues in Philosophy & Neuroscience (not offered 24/25)
Psychology 9040 - Scientific Computing
Psychology 9041 - Introduction to Data Management and Linear Modeling Using R
Psychology 9221 - Advanced Topic in Neuroscience
Psychology 9223 - Advanced Topic in Neuroscience: Neuroimaging of Cognition
Psychology 9231 - Evolution of Brain and Behaviour
Psychology 9632 - Systematic and Scoping Review Methods
*Cross-listed courses (note course topics)
To register in any of the courses listed above you must complete a request form and receive the instructor's approval. Exceptions where you can self-register (no form required) FALL TERM: Neuro 9551, Psych 9041. WINTER TERM: MedBio 9709, Psych 9223, Psych 9040

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