Seminars in Dental Sciences

Wednesday, November 10, 2021 (12:30PM-1:30PM)
You can attend either in person in DSB 1002 or virtually on Zoom
Zoom Link
Passcode (738257)

Dr. Abbas Ali Jessani,DDS, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry

Dr. Abbas Jessani is a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry
and the Coordinator for Community Dental Outreach at Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
at Western University. Dr. Jessani completed his graduate training in the Faculty of Dentistry at
the University of British Columbia, with a focus on public health dentistry. His current projects are
exploring the unmet oral health needs and barriers to oral healthcare amongst marginalized
populations, such as people living with HIV, LGBTQ2S and other underserved populations

"Understanding Oral Health Outreach: From Local to Global Perspective"