Strategic Planning

During the past year, Schulich Dentistry, has been working on a new 10-year strategic plan. We have renewed Schulich Dentistry's mission, vision and values and defined the five strategic directions that will allow us to achieve our Vision of Schulich Dentistry. These are presented in our strategy map and strategic plan. The strategy map and the five strategic directions are now in the hands of five unique working groups (project committees) who have the job of putting our strategic plan into operation. The five project committees are:
Project Committee 1: Human resource and organizational structure
Project Committee 2: Clinical education
Project Committee 3. Technology strategy
Project Committee 4: Faculty development
Project Committee 5: The Schulich Way Committee – this faculty-wide committee has been tasked with helping the School and all of its parts define how the Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry distinguishes itself in the way we teach, learn, care for patients, do research and work with each other.
Each of these committees is made up of full and part time faculty, staff and students. As they develop their plans, they will be shared with the other committees through regular reporting to the Dental Renewal Committee. As the plans take shape they will be presented to faculty, staff and students and policy changes will be approved by Dentistry Council. As plans become practise they will be shared with stakeholders through updates on this page.
Please take a minute or two and have a look at the "Schulich Dentistry Strategic Plan 2016 - 2026" and the “Schulich Dentistry Strategy Map: 2016 – 2026” and return to this page to see how Schulich Dentistry is moving forward over the next 10 years.