Competence Committee Materials

Competence Committee Modules

Completing these modules can be claimed under Section 2 self-learning: Podcast, audio, video for 0.5 credits per activity.

Any additional learning stimulated by completing the modules can be claimed under Section 2 self-learning : Personal learning project (PLP) for 2 credits per hour.

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Elentra Competence Committee Dashboard


Important Resources

***NEW*** Competence Committee FAQs - Answers from the Royal College

Royal College Workshops - Prior to your launch, the Royal College has two prepared workshops for program leaders to facilitate with their faculty to create a Competence Committee.

RCPSC Website

Technical Guide - The technical guide series from the RCPSC outlines in a concise manner the things you must do as a CBD program and where you have flexibility. Technical Guide #3 is on Competence Committees and this is a must read.

Reporting Resident Statuses to PGME - after CC meetings, only certain resident statuses as recommended by the CC and ratified by the RPC need to be reported to PGME. Please read more in this 1-page explainer. A template Word document is also available and can be emailed to with the relevant statuses after each CC meeting. This is a temporary method until Elentra will do this automatically when you choose a reportable status for a resident.

CC Chair Forum - The Competence Committee (CC) Chairs Forum on Slack is open to any CC member across Canada. For those new to Slack, a live Slack event is when a chosen date and time is chosen for anyone to log in and participate in answering key questions. It's like a message board or huge group text, so you can join the conversation at any time, even if you can't attend a live Slack event.

Click on the PDF (Instructions for joining Slack CC Chair Forum channel) for instructions on how to navigate around Slack and use the various channels.

  • Here is a great FAQ from an April 2021 live Slack event that answers many common questions or challenges that CCs face. This is a recommended read.



  • Overview of process and procedures for CC decision making (Uploaded 2021-12-07) - This is a mandatory document that you need to create for your program (reference: Technical Guide 3 on Competence Committees, see below). It describes the basic principles a program must adhere to regarding CCs. It is important to understand this document and follow the principles as outlined and adapt to your context. Attached is a template with Western branding as adapted by the Royal College's document. There might be some overlap between this document and your CC terms of reference.

  • CC Meeting Minutes - This is just one example with sample discussion topics that are likely relevant for most programs. Meeting minutes can refer to the more detailed reviewer reports so there is minimal redundancy in administrative work. The minutes should record any non-resident progression or assessment data (these are found in reviewer reports) to reflect the important discussions and action items for the committee members as a whole. 
  • Confidentiality Form - If you have any guests who will attend your CC meeting, have them complete this confidentiality form for your records.

  • Memo to RPC - After a CC meeting, a delegate from the CC will present the recommendations for resident progression and status to the Residency Program Committee (RPC) to ratify. There are a couple of templates to choose from.

  • RPC Ratification Form - Ratification by the RPC needs to occur within 4 weeks. Any resident who is deemed ‘not progressing as expected’ or 'failure to progress' should be informed as soon as possible and have an in-person meeting with the Program Director to discuss the status.

  • Resident status tracking after each CC meeting

  • Reporting Resident Statuses to PGME - A template Word document is available and can be emailed to with the relevant statuses after each CC meeting. This is a temporary method until Elentra will do this automatically when you choose a reportable status for a resident.



  • Resident checklist pre-CC meeting (Anesthesiology example)- A document that is circulated with the reminder to residents that a CC meeting will take place. The reminder email is sent 1-2 weeks before the meeting to give residents and reviewers enough time to prepare.

  • Standard operating procedure (SOP) for CC reviewers (Urology example) - A step-by-step guide for CC members about what their duties are, where to find the necessary files. Ensure there is a timeline that all CC members and residents are aware of so the reviews take place at a fair time for everyone.The example here refers to Urology’s specific documents and spreadsheets they have created to track and make comments outside of Elentra by using LHSC’s S Drive. Each program will vary in terms of their workflow and documentation preference.

  • Primary reviewer forms - Form that is completed by the primary reviewer. Note the non-EPA expectations as decided by the program. Ensure it is clear to residents what is included for review and when reviews will take place.

  • Letter to residents post-CC meeting (Anesthesiology example) - In addition to ‘checking off’ EPAs in Elentra after a comprehensive review and discussion, an individualized letter can be sent to each resident to allow for full flexibility in what messaging needs to occur. There can be a portion that is copied and pasted for all residents as well, e.g. general housekeeping messages applicable for all of them.

  • EPA Tracking per Resident over time - Example 1 (Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine)