Celebrating Our Achievements

March 2023

Congratulations to Simon Zhang, Dents2024, whose team won the "Curriculum Hackathon" Simon Zhang with other participants at Curriculum Hackathon eventpresentation event in Portland, Oregon on March 12, 2023. Their topic was "Student, Educator, and Clinician Burnout" and Simon was the only participant from Canada. 

Several teams were given different issues to tackle and had 2-3 hours to come up with solutions, a curriculum which could be implemented to address the issues, and a PowerPoint presentation. After time ended, five teams presented their pitches to the judges, who were dental educators and academic leaders from a number of US dental schools.

"I found that running the SIC meetings really has helped me with leadership, goal setting, and making sure a team can complete all their tasks in a reasonable amount of time," Simon shared. "We were one of the few teams that actually managed to address all our objectives in the allotted time even after we spent an hour gathering data from the other attendees at the conference."

Congratulations also to Nikita Chugh, BMSc candidate from Dr. Noha Gomaa’s lab for being awarded the Undergraduate Summer Research Internship (USRI) from Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry.