DEBI Club creates new way to connect and learn

The Dental Entrepreneurship, Business and Innovation (DEBI) club is finding new ways to connect and create learning opportunities as students continue to learn remotely.

Since its formation last year, the student-led organization has been working to provide their peers with opportunities to learn about entrepreneurship within Dentistry through virtual webinars with successful clinic owners and a growing social media community.

Their latest initiative, The Business of Drilling by DEBI podcast, will cover topics including how to adapt and navigate the industry, diverse life and career stories from exceptional dentists, and tips and tricks for getting started in business. There are three episodes of the podcast currently available, and the latest featuring Dr. Omid Azami, the host of the well-known Noobie Dentist Podcast.

“Our idea for the podcast was based upon the realization that we were learning a lot from the individual conversations we were having with potential webinar guests, our mentors, or with interesting people in our field,” said Nima Noyan, Dentistry Class of 2023, DEBI club president. “In an attempt to capture this content and share it with listeners, we launched the podcast so listeners can go through these discussions at their own pace.”

Noyan says the responses on social media from students have been encouraging, and the reach of their virtual events and the podcast has begun to spread far beyond the Schulich Dentistry community.

“We have students and dentists from across the country tuning in to our online seminars and listening to our podcast. A lot of our listeners appreciate that we're organizing all this information for them,” Noyan said.  “Interestingly, many students are surprised to discover that they even need to learn it in the first place.”

In February, DEBI held the "Associateship Insights" webinar featuring guest speaker Kimberly Pacula, Founder of Associates on Demand, a dental recruitment firm. The session covered topics such as the current dental job market and future projections for the post-COVID era.

To explore all the DEBI initiatives, visit: