Resident as Teacher Bootcamp
The Postgraduate Medical Education office will be hosting the annual Resident as Teacher Bootcamp (RTBC) to be held on February 8-9, 2024.
The RTBC program will be an intensive two-day program focusing on cross-disciplinary teaching skills, including the one-minute preceptor, giving and receiving feedback, direct observation skills, case-based teaching, and managing the difficult learner. With a focus on application, residents will engage in small group discussions, simulations, and large group reflection as they examine and apply teaching strategies to authentic scenarios.
Program Directors annually nominate a resident to participate in the RTBC with the understanding that these nominees disseminate teaching skills to other learners in their program. Resident teachers may also consider using the experience as the basis for a scholarly project.
Nomination forms will be sent out to all programs on Monday October 9, 2023.