Learner in Difficulty

The PGME Office supports the wellbeing of our trainees by offering assistance to those encountering difficulties during training, and by helping learners develop the skills needed to maintain their own wellness both as a postgraduate trainee and as a practicing physician.

Residency training programs have a duty to fulfill requirements of a residency training program as set out by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada or the College of Family Physicians of Canada. Should a trainee encounter academic difficulty that may require remediation or probation, the following policies and template are available:

Academic Difficulty

  • Resident Evaluation and Appeals Policy
    • The Schulich Postgraduate Appeals Committee (SPAC) reviews appelas submitted by residents/fellows based on the criteria outlined in the Resident Evaluation and Appeals Policy.
  • Area of Focused Competence (AFC) Appeals Policy
  • Fellowship Probation, Suspension & Termination Policy
  • Request for Accommodations Guidelines & Process
  • Individualized Learning Plan
  • Schulich Remediation and Probation Template
    • The Postgraduate Education Advisory Board’s responsibilities are:
      • to review and approve all remediation plans and probation plans prior to implementation
      • upon request, to assist residency training committees in the design of a remediation plan or probation plan, and
      • at the request of the UWO PGE Committee and/or the Associate Dean of Postgraduate Medical Education to provide advice on matters relevant to resident evaluation, remediation, probation or promotion.
      • The Chair and Board may consult with such individuals as they determine necessary to fulfill these responsibilities.
      • Remeditation and/or probation plans are reviewed by the PGE Advisory Board on a monthly basis; the 2024-2025 meeting dates are available here. Document submission deadline dates are indicated on the schedule, but, generally are always due at least a week prior to the meeting date.

Wellness Resources

  • Learner Experience Office at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry focuses on the physical, psychological and professional safety of learners, as well as supporting academic wellness and providing career guidance.
  • Physician Health Program
    • A confidential service providing assistance on issues, such as stress, burnout, mental health, and substance use issues, to both physicians and their families. They offer expedited referrals to third party providers with expertise in physician health.
    • Please visit the website for more information or call 1-800-851-6606.
    • Confidential help line: 1-800-851-6606
  • PARO
    • The PARO 24 Hour Helpline is available to residents, their partners and family members, as well as medical students. The toll-free number, 1-866-HELP-DOC (1-866-435-7362), is accessible anywhere in Ontario, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In order to provide this service, PARO has partnered with Distress Centres of Toronto.
  • Wellness Courses offered by multiple providers:
    o London Health Sciences Centre; download the catalog guide
    o St. Joseph’s Health Care
    o Employee Assistance Program (through St. Joseph’s Healthcare)
    o Available courses in 2021-2022 - please contact LHSC or St. Joseph's Healthcare.

Templates and Forms

If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact the PGME office or call 519.661.2019.

How to access help

If this is an emergency please go directly to the nearest emergency department to you as all are equipped to manage psychiatric emergencies. We also encourage you to contact the Learner Experience: 519.661.4234 or by email.