Postgraduate Medical Education Committees

The General Standards of Accreditation for Institutions with Residency Programs requires an effective postgraduate education committee structure, overseen by the PGME Associate Dean, to facilitate the governance and oversight of all residency programs (Element 1.3).

To ensure alignment with the accreditation standards, and to provide exemplary service to our stakeholders, the PGME Office has implemented a variety of Committees and Subcommittees. Please see the information below to find detailed terms of reference for each Committee and Subcommittee. 

Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Committee

The Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Committee is a standing committee of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and is responsible for supporting the Associate Dean, PGME, in the planning, organization and evaluation of all aspects of residency education for the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (Royal College) residency and Areas of Focused Competence (AFC) programs, and the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) residency and enhanced skills programs.

The terms of reference (including membership) are available here.

The PGME Committee is held virtually and meets 10 times per year from September to June. Agendas and minutes are circulated to committee members via email and are viewable online here.

Any questions about the PGME Committee can be directed to the PGME Office, at

Advisory Board

The PGME Advisory Board (PGME AB) is a committee constituted by the Associate Dean, PGME, and is responsible for approving remediation and probation plans. Upon request, the Advisory Board will assist in the design of individual learning plans, remediation plans, and probation plans.

Advisory Board Terms of Reference can be found here. Information and resources for residents in difficulty can be found here. The Advisory Board meets monthly and documents to be reviewed should be submitted to the Advisory Board a minimum of two weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. Meeting dates are available here.

Any questions about the Advisory Board can be directed to Andrea Marsh, PGME Registration Coordinator, at

Appeals Committee

The Postgraduate Appeals Committee hears such appeals as provided for in the Resident Assessment and Appeals Policy, the Area of Focused Competence (AFC) Appeals Policy, and the Fellowship Probation, Suspension and Termination Policy.

Terms of Reference for the Postgraduate Appeals Committee can be found here.

Meetings for the Appeals Committee are called by the Chair on an as-needed basis.

Any questions about the Appeals Committee can be directed to the PGME Office, at

Area of Focused Competence (AFC) Subcommittee

An area of focused competence (AFC) is a highly focused discipline of specialty medicine that addresses a legitimate societal need, but does not meet the criteria for a specialty, fundamentals program, or subspecialty. AFC programs are typically 12-24 months in length and will lead to the credential of a Diplomate of the Royal College (DRCPSC).

The AFC Subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the PGME Committee and is responsible for supporting the PGME Office, AFC Program Directors, and AFC Program Administrators in planning, organizing and evaluating all aspects of AFC education. 

The terms of reference are available here.

Any questions about the PGME Committee can be directed to Lindsay Curtis, PGME Evaluation & Accreditation Specialist, at

Competency Based Medical Education Steering Committee

Information about the Competency Based Medical Education (CBME) Steering Committee is available here.

Internal Review Subcommittee

The General Standards of Accreditation for Institutions with Residency Programs require an internal review and improvement process for residency programs. The Internal Review Subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the Postgraduate Medical Education (PGME) Committee that is responsible for the internal review process and oversight.

Terms of Reference for the Internal Review Subcommittee can be found here.

Meetings are held virtually at least four times per year. Any questions about the Internal Review Subcommittee can be directed to Lindsay Curtis, PGME Evaluation & Accreditation Specialist, at

Policy Subcommittee

The Policy Subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the PGME Committee that is responsible for policy development and regular policy review as required by the General Standards of Accreditation for Institutions with Residency Programs (standard 2.1). 

Terms of Reference for the Policy Subcommittee can be found here.

Meetings are held virtually at least four times per year. Any questions about the Policy Subcommittee can be directed to Lindsay Curtis, PGME Evaluation & Accreditation Specialist, at

Resident Advisory Committee for Competency Based Medical Education (RAC-CBME)

The RAC-CBME is a group of engaged resident leaders within Schulich Medicine. They come from programs that have launched CBME and those who have yet to launch. Programs are designated a representative from the RAC-CBME to ensure resident voices are heard.

Information about the RAC-CBME can be found here.

Residency Allocation Subcommittee

The Residency Allocation Subcommittee makes decisions regarding the allocation of the CaRMS PGY1 positions to PGY1 programs.

Terms of Reference for the Residency Allocation Subcommittee can be found here and the Program Submission Form is available here.

Any questions about the PGME Committee can be directed to Tara Coletti, PGME Financial Administrator, at