The European Airway Management Society’s 5th European Airway Management Congress

Members of our department recently attended the European Airway Management Society’s 5th European Airway Management Congress, in Catania, Italy.


Left to right: James Pius, Rudy Noppens, Carla Todaro, Marc Kriege (Germany)

Some of their presentations included:

Dr. Ruediger Noppens:


A Difficult Airway: Problem-based learning discussion



Airway Assessment

Scientific Abstract Presentation

Cost Effectiveness of Video Laryngoscopy for Routine Use in the Operating Room


Dr. Carla Todaro (Clinical Fellow):

Scientific Abstract Presentation

Airway management of a patient with facial arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and severe obstructive sleep apnea undergoing endovascular embolization U

Dr. James Pius (Resident):

Scientific Abstract Presentations

The novel C-MAC® video-stylet compared to the C-MAC® macintosh video laryngoscope – A controlled randomized manikin study.

Case report: First clinical evaluation of the C-MAC video stylet during a predicted difficult intubation.



Dr. Noppens was also elected as the new secretary for the Society and received the honour to become a FEAMS - Fellow of the European Airway Management Society, in recognition of extraordinary contribution in the field of airway management.