New COVID-19 Research Funding Opportunities

Two funding competitions were recently launched to support COVID-19 research. If you are planning to apply to either of these competitions, please contact Lawson’s Grant Development team. For more COVID-19 funding opportunities, visit the Lawson intranet.

1. CIHR Operating Grant: COVID-19 Mental Health, Substance Use Service Needs and Delivery

This rapid response funding opportunity follows from the recent Knowledge Synthesis Grant: COVID-19 Rapid Research Funding Opportunity in Mental Health and Substance Use and aims to more explicitly address the specific mental health and/or substance use crisis response needs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic and the strategies to contain and mitigate its impact.

Approximately $10.27 million of funding is available, with the maximum amount available per grant being $200,000 over one year. Of this total amount, approximately:

  • $2.05 million is available to support applications in research area #1 (Understanding Rapid System Transformations)
  • $4.11 million is available to support applications in research area #2 (Developing Innovative Adaptations of Services and/or Delivery)
  • $4.11 million is available to support applications in research area #3 (Matching Services to Needs)

The registration deadline for this funding opportunity is June 18, 2020 and the deadline to submit an application is July 7, 2020.

For more information, please click here.

2. Joule COVID-19 Innovation Grant Program

This funding opportunity is available to Canadian Medical Association (CMA) members only. Joule is providing grants, up to $200,000, to fund projects in the following three categories:

  • Supporting front-line health care workers: protecting their health and well being and/or ensuring an adequate supply, distribution and use of PPE and other tools or equipment to enhance safety.
  • Access to care during the COVID pandemic: facilitate providing assessment and treatment to those affected by COVID-19 and/or increase health system capacity and efficiency to maintain essential health services unrelated to COVID while managing the outbreak.
  • Population health solutions: alignment of population and public health with institutional and community care for a coordinated application of innovative approaches and/or equitable access to care and public health services across sub-populations within Canada.

The deadline to apply for this funding opportunity is June 21 at 11:59pm ET.

For more information on Joule's grant program and to apply, please click here.