News and Updates

January 2019

Strategic Planning Refresh

We are pleased to announce the upcoming Agenda for the Department of Oncology Strategic Planning Refresh Retreat which will be held on Monday, February 4 from 5:00-9:00 p.m. at the London Regional Cancer Program, A3-924A/B (dinner will be provided). Please find the documents below in preparation for the retreat.



Supporting Documents

June 2018

February 2017

June 6, 2016

March 23, 2016

March 14, 2016

November 2015

We are very pleased to announce the membership of the Department of Oncology Strategic Planning steering committee. The members are representative of the department’s multiple foci and priorities, including teaching and learning, research, clinical services and administration. They also bring a broad range of experiences, interests and skills that will serve us well in the months ahead.

The Steering Committee members will set the tone for collaboration, cooperation and communication to:

  • Ensure we engage and involve our stakeholders in multiple discussions about the department’s future
  • Analyze findings from the engagement processes and environmental scan, explore ideas and perspectives and shape our strategic direction and goals
  • Ensure we achieve the overall strategic planning project goals and meet our project milestones.

Under the leadership of Dr. Alison Allan, the Steering Committee will report directly to the Department of Oncology Chair/Chief Glenn Bauman and the Academic Leadership Team. The Committee will hold its kick-off meeting in December and will continue their work through to Summer 2016, with the launch of the Department of Oncology Strategic Plan in September 2016.