Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds Presentations are held every Tuesday from September to May from 12pm - 1 pm at the Verspeeten Family Cancer Centre at Victoria Hospital. Grand Rounds are presented using a hybrid format. In A3-924A/B in person and via Zoom. Please see below for the comprehensive list of presentations.

This image showcases the logos of the organizations sponsoring the Department of Oncology's Grand Rounds seminars for 2022-2023. This years sponsors are: Amgen, Apobiologix, AstraZenexa, Bristol Myers Squibb, Bayer, Eisai, Gilead, Jannssen, Knight, Merck, Pfizer, Takeda, and Viatris.

September 2024 to May 2025

Follow us on Twitter @SchulichMedDent  #LndOntOncology


Tues, Sept 17 2024  via Zoom  12 - 1 pm


Mark Clemons, MD. FRCPC.
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute



Zoom Link