Undergraduate Report

What are the medical students up to?

Meds 2026: By now, all students will have been paired with a family physician for their Longitudinal Clinical Experience and identified a supervisor for the Research Project components of Experiential Learning.

Meds 2025: The class received their Clerkship rotation schedules. Michele Vanderspank, Undergraduate Program Coordinator for FM, gave a presentation to the class, along with Distributed Education, outlining their options for FM Clerkship next year.

Meds 2024: Half way through clerkship, with the 6th rotation underway.  Now that the clerkship lottery is complete, the class will be getting ready for their Electives lottery, and the decisions about programs, sites and locations – including the return of visiting electives for Meds2024.  It is a good time to remind students, residents and faculty that ANY elective provides valuable clinical learning that can be applied to ANY residency program.   Such an exciting time for the class!

Meds 2023: The residency program match process virtual interviews ran Feb 6 – 26. With the Summative OSCE complete (huge thanks to all of the faculty examiners, the CSLP team and Clinical Skills leads for yet another successful OSCE delivery), Meds2023 will be finishing up with Transition to Medicine, the final 16 weeks of the MD Program.


Accreditation 2023:

Students, residents, faculty and department leaders must be aware of, know what to do and/or where to go to find UME Policies and Statements.  Recently renewed documents will be found on the website now or in the near future as all are being reviewed and updated.