Chair's Message

Strategic Planning for the Department of Family Medicine

I'd like to follow-up on last month's Chair's Message where I outlined my goals for the Department over the next five years. A key part of those goals was the development of a Strategic Plan.

As you know, a strategic plan is basically a statement about our Vision, our Mission and our strategic priorities/goals set out over the next five years.

As a department we have already started to address this at an initial planning session held in October 2016. There were some good ideas and themes that came out of that retreat. However, there is still a debate about whether to totally revamp our Vision and Mission statements or to just review and adjust these for the current environment. What do you think?

Remember that a Vision statement is aspirational, “who do we want to be and what do we want to be known for?” Whereas a Mission statement is an overall statement about how we accomplish our vision.

Our Vision and Mission statements from 2009 are as follows:

Vision:  Enhancing and promoting family medicine that excels in patient- centered care, scholarly activity and leadership for healthier communities.

Mission:  A Center of scholarly excellence committed to developing exemplary family physicians and future leaders in healthcare through clinical excellence, professional education, administrative leadership, and robust research.

What do you think? As a department we will address this over the next several department meetings and at an official department retreat. Please give this your due consideration and be prepared to participate in a healthy review and discussion in the months ahead.

I welcome your feedback as always at: