Celebrating our achievements

Congratulations to Narlon Boa Sorte Silva on being fast-tracked from the MSc program to the PhD program in Kinesiology at Western University. Silva's Canadian experience began in 2014 when he was selected as a top-ranked applicant for the Mitacs 12-week Research Internship to study under Dr. Robert Petrella here at Western.

Following the internship Silva returned to Brazil and completed his undergraduate degree at Nove de Julho University, Sao Paulo. He then applied to return to Western as a master’s student in Kinesiology.

In his PhD program, under the supervision of Dr. Robert Petrella (Primary Supervisor) and Dawn Gill, PhD,  (Advisory Committee Member), Silva will continue to explore the effects of multiple-modality exercise on cognition, mobility and cardiovascular health in older adults at risk for cognitive impairment. His studies will directly contribute to Dr. Petrella’s research program in Lifestyle Interventions to Prevent Chronic Disease.

Silva has been awarded a Mitacs Globalink Graduate Fellowship to support his PhD studies.