• Graduate Student Teaching Assistant Awards of Excellence (GSTA)

    December 05, 2016
    The fall nomination form to nominate your Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) for an award for teaching excellence. Nominations are collected once per term with winners announced in May. Please consider nominating a GTA who made a difference to your learning experience at Western this term.

  • Schulich Research Opportunities Program

    December 05, 2016
    The Schulich Research office offers funding for research in global health undertaken by BMSc, Neuroscience, Medicine or Dentistry student.

  • Undergraduate Research Opportunity in Germany

    December 05, 2016
    Are you interested in an international research opportunity this summer? Mitacs and DAAD have partnered to provide an experience for undergraduate students in Germany.

  • Canada Graduate Scholarships - Masters (CGSM)

    November 21, 2016
    Points of interest regarding the Canada Graduate Scholarship Program at the Master's level (CGS M) should be reviewed prior to applying. The application deadline is December 1.

  • Leave the Pack Behind - "wouldurather" contest opens!

    November 21, 2016
    Leave the Pack Behind (LTPB),an Ontario government funded tobacco control program is hosting a contest with a chance to win $5000! We are currently hosting a contest called wouldurather

  • Proteus Innovation Competition

    November 14, 2016
    Are you looking to put your entrepreneurial skills to the test, develop new networks, and compete to win $7,500? Then Proteus is for you!

  • Hult Prize @ Western Challenge: One Million Dollar Start-up Challenge

    November 14, 2016
    Will you be the next US $1 Million winner? It is with great pleasure that we invite you to participate in the 8th annual Hult Prize by competing on our very own on-campus event!

  • Volunteer Opportunity - Drug Safety Laboratory in SDRI

    November 07, 2016
    A volunteer position for a Year 3 or 4 BMSc student is available in the Drug Safety Laboratory in SDRI. This position has been filled.

  • Volunteer Opportunity - MMI Interview Prep Sessions

    November 07, 2016
    The Student Success Centre is seeking volunteers to assist with the Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) practice sessions.

  • SciNapse Undergraduate Science Case Competition

    October 24, 2016
    The SciNapse Undergraduate Science Case Competition (USCC) is a yearly science case competition hosted by 8 universities across Ontario. Teams of 2 to 4 undergraduate students of any faculty are welcome to compete, submitting their creative solution to the case. Team registration deadline is October 31.

  • Western Undergraduate Research Journal Summer Research Workshop

    September 27, 2016
    Western Undergraduate Research Journal of Health and Natural Sciences (WURJ)is holding a summer research workshop on October 5 at 7:00 p.m. in NSC 7.

  • Frontier College Volunteer Opportunity

    September 26, 2016
    Frontier College is seeking literacy volunteers to work with children, youth and adult learners.

  • HOSA - Future Health Professionals AGM

    September 26, 2016
    HOSA Western's Annual General Meeting will be held on September 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the Physics and Astronomy Building (PAB) 148.

  • PokeMedSci-GO O-month Activity

    September 19, 2016
    Congratulations to the Year 1 Medical Sciences students who were the top finishing teams at the PokeMedSci-Go challenge on September 13.

  • Creating a New Culture of Peace

    August 23, 2016
    Western Ontario Vegan Society is hosting a presentation by Dr. Will Tuttle on September 9 at 7:00 pm in SSC 2050. Dr. Tuttle is a worldwide inspirational speaker who will talk about the food we choose, where it comes from and how it affects us physically, psychologically and culturally.

  • Experience Your Life Expo

    August 23, 2016
    Connect with 60 iconic organizations from Canada and around the globe who are making a difference in the world through socially conscious jobs, travel, volunteer, and study opportunities.

  • Faculty of Health Sciences Graduate Professional Program Preview

    August 23, 2016
    The 6th Annual Faculty of Health Sciences’ Graduate Professional Program Preview, profiling the masters-level entry-to-practice professional programs in Audiology (MClSc), Occupational Therapy (MScOT), Physical Therapy (MPT) and Speech-Language Pathology (MClSc), will take place on Saturday, October 29, 2016. Registration is required.

  • Volunteer Opportunity - Leave the Pack Behind (LTPB)

    August 22, 2016
    Leave the Pack Behind (LTPB) is seeking first year student volunteers. Deadline to submit your resume and cover letter is August 25.

  • Volunteer Opportunity - Western Students Offering Support (SOS)

    June 24, 2016
    WesternSOS is seeking upper year students to volunteer as tutors for 1000- and 2000-level Science, Biochemistry, Psychology and Economics courses. The deadline to apply is July 8.

  • BMSUE Awards Ceremony photo gallery

    June 16, 2016
    Thank you to everyone who joined us at the 2016 BMSUE Awards Ceremony on Thursday, June 16. Please enjoy a photo gallery from the event.

  • Volunteer Opportunity with the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO)

    May 09, 2016
    Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario (POGO)is seeking a passionate, enthusiastic, and motivated student-leader from your university to recruit and lead a fundraising team to participate in the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon.

  • Masters of Management of Applied Science (MMASc)

    May 04, 2016
    Western's Master of Management of Applied Science (MMASc) program is a unique one-year professional degree that will provide you with the skills you need to jump start your career and bridge the gap between science and industry.

  • The Undergraduate Awards

    March 21, 2016
    Western is once again participating in "The Undergraduate Awards." This is the world's only pan-discipline scholarly competition that reviews coursework from students in the sciences to arts and humanities, to social science and many other areas.

  • Western Heads East Textbook Drive

    March 21, 2016
    Western Heads East is organizing a book drive on campus to acquire resources requested by Western's university partners in Tanzania and Kenya.

  • Evaluation, Resilience, and Sustainability in Family Mental Health & Addication Peer Support - A Research and Innovation Symposium

    March 21, 2016
    The primary goal of this symposium is to identify two cross-sector (academia and community/hospital) collaborative research projects focused on peer support for families and/or informal caregivers who are supporting individuals living with mental health and/or addiction-related concerns.

  • International Clinical Dissection Program

    March 21, 2016
    McGill University is offering a 4-week clinical dissection program this summer for students who may require a sound knowledge or fine-tuning of gross anatomy and dissection skills.

  • Western Gazette is hiring!

    March 11, 2016
    Western Gazette is hiring students for the 2016-17 school year. Positions currently open include columnists, editors, writers and designers. Applications close on March 16.

  • Western Undergraduate Research Journal of Health and Natural Sciences - Executive Applications

    March 11, 2016
    Western Undergraduate Research Journal of Health and Natural Sciences (WURJHNS) is selecting members for the 2016-17 executive team. Application deadline is March 16.

  • Medical School for International Health

    March 07, 2016
    The Medical School for International Health (MSIH)in Israel is hosting an information webinar on March 15.

  • Volunteer Opportunity at London Health Research Day

    February 18, 2016
    Looking for a fun way to get involved while learning about local research? Volunteer on Tuesday, March 29 at London Health Research Day – the region’s premier research showcase event!

  • Undergraduate Biophysics Network of Students (BONeS)

    February 11, 2016
    The Undergraduate Biophysics Network of Students (BONeS) invites you to learn about the field of Medical Biophysics.

  • International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS)

    January 26, 2016
    ISCOMS is one of the world’s leading international (bio)medical student congresses providing students with the opportunity to showcase their research, as well as to attend interesting lectures, student presentations and interactive workshops to extend their knowledge on the latest (bio)medical research. Registration opens for non-presenting participants on March 7.

  • ipsw

    January 31, 2025