
An ORCID iD (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a free and persistent identifier that links you to your research activities and distinguishes you from other researchers.

ORCID iDs are not organization specific, and ensure that you receive consistent, reliable attribution for your work throughout your career.  Register for an ORCID iD, connect it to Western, and set up your record.

Optimize your ORCiD - We can help you!

In support of the Institutional recommendation that all Western Faculty have active ORCID iDs, the Schulich Research Office is spearheading a campaign to assist our Faculty in optimizing their ORCID iDs.

  • Adding ORCID to our other methods of data capture for scholarly contributions will help our researchers to ensure their work is recognized and discoverable, and to fulfill the requirements of the growing list of publishers and funding agencies that require ORCIDs be included in submissions.
  • Western is also planning to implement an institution-wide Research Information Management System (RIMS), which will require up to date ORCID iDs as an input. More information about the value-add of ORCID iDs is available here.     

Administrative Support

The Schulich Research Office is pleased to offer administrative support to update your ORCID profile. To facilitate this, we ask that you add Schulich Research (research@schulich.uwo.ca) as a trusted individual to your ORCID record by logging into your ORCID account and following the instructions available here.

We will:

  • Set up the automatic features to populate the Funding and Works section;
  • Ensure your ORCID is public;
  • Highlight to you if work may be beneficial on the other sections of your ORCID record.

If you would prefer to update your ORCID yourself, please notify us by email that you have done so, so we can update our records.  

If you would prefer to update your ORCID yourself and would like assistance, we would be happy to set up a brief 15-minute meeting at your convenience to aid in selecting the settings to optimize your ORCID profile.