Research Themes

Biomedical Imaging focuses on the discovery and development of innovative imaging techniques and instrumentation to improve the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human diseases.
Cancer research ranges from fundamental science, to research on new and innovative treatments and cures for the various types of cancer, to clinical trials, and features a strong emphasis on translational activities.
Cardiovascular, Respiratory Health,and Metabolic Diseases includes basic and clinical research on a range of topics areas such as atherosclerosis, cardiac valve biology, vascular biology,
vascular imaging, sepsis, inflammatory lung diseases and diabetes.
Infection and Immunity includes immunopathogenesis of type 1 diabetes and transplantation, chronic inflammation, immunoregulation, innate immunity, infectious diseases and probiotics.
Musculoskeletal Health includes researchers in skeletal biology, orthopaedics, rheumatology, dentistry, clinical trials, imaging, rehabilitation and geriatrics.
Neuroscience and Mental Health is a broad area with emphases on complex neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, neuro-imaging, and the effectiveness of existing and new therapies and surgical interventions that may alleviate the symptoms or slow the progression of neurological diseases. Western’s Graduate Program in Neuroscience provides a focus for research in these areas.