Seminars and Events
View the full Seminar Schedule
Monday, February 24 Jessica Grahn: “How music moves us: The neuroscience of rhythm”
Monday, February 10 Robert Grant: "Multimodal characterization of pancreatic and biliary cancers for research and clinical care"
Monday, February 3 Lyle Muller: "Neural traveling waves shape dynamics and computation across maps of sensory space"
Monday, January 27 Shawn Whitehead: "Microglia as a focus for biomarker discovery and therapeutic targeting"
Monday, January 20 Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan: "Modelling Developmental Processes"
Monday, January 13 Jennifer Carleton: “Exploring the tissue specific expression patterns and roles of Shroom3 in the mouse”
Monday, December 9 Shelly Ng: "Enhancement of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor signalling by nucleotides and sugars"
Monday, December 2 Petra Samardzija: "Elucidating the role of SPCA2C and calumin in pancreatic calcium signaling"
Monday, November 25 Fatemah Mousavi: "Defining the epigenetic changes promoted by oncogenic KRAS in pancreatic cancer progression"
Monday, November 18, 2024 Dr. Geoff Pickering "Integrating form and function to understand life-threatening vascular disease"
Monday, November 11 Dan Conklin: From Kratschmer to the Discovery of TRPA1-Mediated Cardiopulmonary Responses to Inhaled Irritants
Monday, October 28 Sukanthathulse (Tulsy) Uthayabalan: “Examining the Interplay Between MRS2 and Magnesium: Implications in Mitochondrial Function”
Monday, October 21 Justin Clark: “Resolving the effects of lipoprotein(a) on thrombosis and fibrinolysis”
Monday, October 7 Serge McGraw: “Germline DNMT3A loss-of-function alters programming of neuronal progenitor cells and leads to neuronal impairments”
Monday, September 30 Adrianna Tsang: “Investigating the link between lysosomal exocytosis and lysosomal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease”
Monday, September 23 Robert Grant: "Charting a Path to AI-Augmented Clinical Oncology"
Monday, September 16 Nataliya Melnyk-Lamont: "Value of Biopharmaceutical Industry and an Overview of Scientific Careers in the Industry"
Monday, June 10th Mickenzie Martin: “Activating transcription factor 3 affects multiple cell types during pancreatic cancer progression”
Monday, June 3 Meg Schuurman: "Investigating the role of N-acetyl-Lcysteine on beta cell function and islet fibrosis in obese and aging mice."
Monday, June 17 Jeffrey Hutchinson: " Investigating the role of sex hormones in the intervertebral disc”
Monday, May 27 Silvia Penuela: "Cancer cell signalling through pannexin channels”
Monday, May 13 Patricia Brubaker: "Reflections on 45 years as a Scientist"
Monday, May 6 Seminar Series: Dr. Nicole Campbell: “Giving Students What They Want and Need: Adapting Curriculum for Today’s Learners”
Monday, April 29 Seminar Series: Dr. Jeff Biernaskie: “Why do we form scar? Caribou provide new insights into the mechanisms that underlie regenerative healing”
Monday, April 22 Seminar Series: Dr. Lauren Flynn: “Engineering Biology: Design of cell-based therapies harnessing bioscaffolds derived from the extracellular matrix”
Monday, April 15 Opening Doors: “Graduate Degrees: Opening Doors To Exciting Careers!”
Monday, April 8 CANCELLED: Seminar Series: Dr. Geoff Pickering
Monday, March 25 Seminar Series: Nadia Haghbin, PhD Candidate, “GPCRs and the Genesis of Functional Bias in Arteries: Mechanisms-to-Application”
Monday, March 18 CANCELLED - Opening Doors: “Graduate Degrees: Opening Doors To Exciting Careers!”
Monday, February 26 Seminar Series: Dr. Jibran Khokhar: “Cannabis and the Vulnerable Brain: A Closer Look at Genetics, Adolescence and Edible Overdose”
Monday, February 12 Seminar Series: Amin Manji, PhD Candidate: “The impact of aging on pulmonary microvascular endothelial cell barrier function”
Monday, February 5 Seminar Series: Mohammed Ellakany, PhD Candidate: “Reimagining Electromechanical Coupling in the Control of Arterial Tone and Capillary Blood Flow”
Monday, January 29 Seminar Series: Dr. Marlys Koschinsky: “Lipoprotein(a): What We Know, What We Don’t Know, and What Is On The HORIZON”
Monday, January 22 Seminar Series: Kendrick Lee, PhD Candidate: “The effects of gestational cannabinoid exposure on postnatal cardiac outcomes in offspring”
Monday, December 11 Seminar Series: Dr. Paula Foster: “An evolution of in vivo imaging technologies for tracking cells”
Wednesday, December 6 Special Seminar: Dr. Alicia Viloria-Petit: “DOGBONe: Connecting the Dots Through Veterinary Research to Improve Osteosarcoma Outcomes”
Monday, November 27 Seminar Series: Dr. Tallulah Andrews: “Single cell, Single nucleus and Spatial transcriptomics of liver”
Monday, November 20 Seminar Series: Dr. Baptiste Lacoste: “Vascular and glial determinants of brain development”
Monday, November 13 Seminar Series: Dr. David Hess: “What is your VR score? Reversal of vascular regenerative cell exhaustion during chronic metabolic diseases”
Monday, November 6 2023 Gowdey Distinguished Lecture and Research Day
November 2, 2023 Western Organoid Workshop 2023
Our goal is to bring together scientists from across Southwestern Ontario who utilize 3D organoid models in their research.Monday, October 30 Seminar Series: Dr. Amy Reichelt: “Tipping the scales: Insights into how obesity alters neuronal function”
Monday, October 23 Seminar Series: Dr. Michael Boffa: "Old dogs and new tricks: fibrinolytic proteins impacting atherothrombosis and cancer metastasis"
Monday, October 16 Seminar Series: Nicole Sidor, PhD Candidate: “Investigation of TMAP as a candidate biomarker of kidney function”
Monday, October 2 Seminar Series: Dr. Mei Ding: “Explore the Molecular Mechanism of Renal Disease”
Monday, September 25 Seminar Series: Dr. Imogen Coe: "Facing Uncomfortable Truths and Driving Inclusive Excellence in Academic Scientific Research in Canada”
Monday, June12 Seminar Series: Tom Lin, PhD Candidate: “Structural and Mechanistic Elucidation of the EF-hand in LETM1 Ca2+/H+ Antiporter function”
Monday, June 5 Seminar Series: Stephanie Wojtowicz, PhD Candidate: “Characterizing how 1,4-Dihydropyridines and Functionally Related Compounds Inhibit TGFß Signalling”
Monday, May 29 Seminar Series: Dr. Michael Rukstalis: “Career opportunities in Pharma and Biotech: A biologist’s journey through Kendall Square”
Monday, May 8 Seminar Series: Mandy Wang, PhD Candidate: “Potentiation of adenosine receptor signalling by extracellular ATP and structurally related molecules”
Monday, May 1 Seminar Series: Sergiu Lucaciu, PhD Candidate: “Characterization and Rescue of Connexin Variants Associated with Skin Disease”
Monday, April 17 Seminar Series: Dr. Brian Gulbransen: “Enteric glia in gut motor control and sensations”
Monday, April 3 Seminar Series: Dr. Rachel Miller: “Identifying Targets for Osteoarthritis Pain”
Monday, March 27 Seminar Series: Dr. Amanda Dan Tong: “HFpEF, Atrial Fibrillation, and Aging”
Monday, March 20 PPGSC seminar: "Opening Doors to Exciting Careers!"
Monday, March 6 Seminar Series: Dr. Helen Jones: “Improving fetal growth in utero by nanoparticle-mediated placental therapy”
Monday, February 27 Seminar Series: James Lim, PhD Candidate: "Identification of Metabolic Biomarkers for the Prediction and Early Diagnosis of Cisplatin Induced Acute Kidney Injury"
Monday, February 13 Seminar Series: Dr. Grace Parraga, “On the role of small airway and gas-exchange abnormalities in Long-COVID”
Monday, February 6 Seminar Series: Dr. Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry, “Does cerebellar motor function decline with aging?”
Monday, January 30 Seminar Series: Dr. Moumita Barua, “Prioritizing therapeutic targets in kidney disease from human genetic studies”
Monday, January 23 Seminar Series: Dr. Katherine Wilmore, “Many possible routes: Using mouse models to uncover developmental determinants of craniofacial variation”
Monday, January 16 Seminar Series: Dr. Thomas Velenosi, “Using pharmacometabolomics to reveal metabolic biomarkers of treatment response in triple-negative breast cancer” "
Monday, January 9 Seminar Series: Dr. Arghya Paul, "Adoption Multifunctional Nanocomposite Hydrogels in Medicine - Drug delivery, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine”
Monday, December 12 Seminar Series: Dr. Jorge Contreras, "Connexin-43 hemichannels as mediators of cardiac stress-induced arrhythmias and myocardial infarction"
Monday, December 5 Seminar Series: Dr. Saman Maleki, "Microbiome-based strategies to sensitize tumors to immunotherapy"
Monday, November 28 Seminar Series: Dr. Filip Bednar, "Tuning the pancreatic cancer immune response”
Monday, November 21 Seminar Series: Dr. Karen Echeverri, "Molecular mechanisms of regeneration: insights from axolotls"
Monday, November 14 Seminar Series: Dr. Wenbin Liang, "Regulation of Cardiac Ion Channels by Wnt Signalling"
Monday, November 7 Seminar Series: Sydney Krutz and Dr. Sukhveer Bains: “Meet the people who are here to help you: The Human Rights Office & The Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization”
November 3rd, 2022 Western Organoid Workshop
Our goal is to bring together scientists in the London area who utilize 3D organoid models in their research. We want to highlight the innovative work being done with these models and to help foster collaborations within this growing community.Tuesday, November 1 2022 James Stevenson Lecture and Research Day
Monday, October 24 Seminar Series: Hadir Alqot, PhD Candidate, “A novel transgenic mouse model expressing primate-specific nuclear choline acetyltransferase and its impact on Alzheimer’s disease pathology”
Monday, October 17 Seminar Series: Dr. David Heinrichs, "Interactions between MRSA and the host”
Monday, October 3 Seminar Series: Dr. Martin Duennwald, "Chaperoning protein misfolding in neurodegenerative diseases"
Monday, September 26 Seminar Series: Dr. Jan Tuckerman, "The Glucocorticoid Receptor in Bone Immunometabolism"
Monday, September 19 Seminar Series: Dr. Xiaolong Yang, "Roles of the Hippo signaling pathway in cancer biology and therapy"
June 29th Lunch and Learn
“Machine Learning with Digital Signal Processing (ML-DSP): Raman Spectroscopy, Electrocardiograms, and Electroencephalograms”Monday, May 30 Seminar Series: Dr. Ying Wang, “Leverage phenotyping technology to understand atherosclerotic disease”
Monday, May 16 Seminar Series: Dr. Susan Logue, "The Unfolded Protein Response in Health and Disease"
Monday, May 9 Seminar Series: Dr. Kun Ping Lu, "Pin1-Catalyzed Conformational Regulation for Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Dementia and Cancer"
Monday, May 2 Seminar Series: Dr. Christopher Pin, “A living biobank for personalized medicine in pancreatic cancer”
Monday, April 25 Seminar Series: Dr. Elena Verdu, "Microbes as cofactors in celiac disease development"
Monday, April 11 Seminar Series: Rachel Wilson, PhD Candidate, "Investigating the role of eukaryotic elongation factor 1A1 in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and lipid metabolism"
Monday, April 4 Seminar Series: Dr. Miguel Skirzewski, “Disentangling Striatal Neuromodulatory Circuitry Mechanisms Underlying Reward Motivated Behaviours”
Monday, March 28 Seminar Series: Dr. Caroline Menard, “Chronic stress induces vascular changes leading to depression vs resilience: opportunities for novel therapeutic approaches and biomarkers”
Monday, March 21 Seminar Series: Opening Doors to Exciting Careers!
Monday, March 7 Seminar Series: Dr. Wei Zhang: “Engineering protein-protein interactions to probe and rewire ubiquitin signalling”
Monday, February 28 Seminar Series: Dr. Fernando Lopes, "Inflammation Resolution: A Metabolic Menagerie"
Thursday, February 24 Lunch and Learn Workshop: “BioCORE: Facilities providing service and instrumentation to help meet your research goals”
Thursday, February 24, 2022 12:00-1:00 p.m. Zoom Link:, February 14 Seminar Series: Dr. Ahmed Abdelfattah, “Genetically encoded voltage indicators for optical monitoring of membrane potential”
Monday, February 7 Seminar Series: Dr. Lee-Hwa Tai, “Intravesical immunotherapy with oncolytic vesicular stomatitis virus for bladder cancer”
Monday, January 31 Seminar Series: Dr. Emilie Jaune-Pons: “Activation of de novo methionine pathway supports the mesenchymal phenotype of pancreatic tumor cells and aggressiveness of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma”
Monday, January 24 Seminar Series: Dr. Janel Kopp: “Factors influencing the development of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma”
Monday, January 17 Seminar Series: Dr. Lisa Julian: “Harnessing human stem cell models to elucidate neurological disease pathogenesis and fundamental aspects of brain development”
Monday, January 10 Seminar Series: Nicholas Tonial, PhD Candidate: “Non-renal alterations of drug disposition in chronic kidney disease”
Monday, December 6 Seminar Series: Dr. Mark Chandy: "Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells for Disease Modeling”
Monday, November 29 Seminar Series: Devika Jayawardena, PhD Candidate: “Regulation of metalloproteinase activity is critical for pulmonary microvascular endothelial cell barrier function”
Monday, November 22 Seminar Series: Charles Trelford, PhD Candidate: “A regulator of transforming growth factor beta signalling and pro-tumourigenic properties”
Monday, November 15 Seminar Series: Dr. Tillie-Louise Hackett, "The potential of spatial imaging to identify therapeutic targets in COPD"
Monday, November 8 Seminar Series: Dr. Britt Drögemöller, "Using genomic and computational analyses to predict and prevent the occurrence of adverse drug reactions"
Tuesday, November 2 2021 Charles W. Gowdey Distinguished Lecture and Research Day: 2012 Nobel Laureate Dr. Brian Kobilka, Stanford University School of Medicine
Monday, October 25 Seminar Series: Zachary Easton, PhD Candidate: “The Impacts of Dietary Nutrients on Placental Trophoblast Metabolic Function”
Monday, October 18 Seminar Series: Dr. Karl Iremonger, "Illuminating stress circuit function"
Monday, October 4 Seminar Series: Dr. Janine Hutson, "Studying therapeutics in pregnancy: the role of ex vivo models"
Monday, September 27 Seminar Series: Dr. Joanna Wilson, "Pharmaceuticals in the environment impact fish health"
Monday, September 20 Seminar Series: Mahadeo Sukhai, PhD and Ainsley Latour, MLT "Putting inequity in STEM under the microscope: the roles of inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility in science and innovation”
Monday, May 31 Seminar Series: David Hawke, PhD Candidate “Extracellular microRNA as non-invasive indicators of preimplantation embryonic health”
Monday, May17 Seminar Series: Theodore Wigle, PhD Candidate “The Pharmacogenetics of Fluoropyrimidine-related Adverse Events and the Implementation of Pre-treatment Screening in Ontario”
Monday, May 10 Seminar Series: Dr. Hiroyuki Igarashi, "Understanding neuronal firing patterns for stress hormone release – development of sniffer cell sensors"
Monday, April 26 Seminar Series: Dr. Franco J. Vizeacoumar, "Targeting telomerase by synthetic dosage lethality to develop novel cancer therapeutics"
Monday, April 19 Seminar Series: Dr. Anastassia Voronova, "Neuronal chemokine fractalkine regulates neural stem cell fates in the developing and regenerating brain"
Monday, April 12 Seminar Series: Dr. Filip Van Petegem, "Ion channelopathies at high resolution: investigating cardiac arrhythmias and myopathies via cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography"
Monday, March 29 Seminar Series: Dr. Megan L. Killian, "Mechanobiology and growth of the tendon-bone interface"
Monday, March 22 Opening Doors: Graduate Student Career Session
Monday, March 8 Seminar Series: Dr. Leah Macfadyen, "Cultural differences and online learning design"
Monday, March 1 Seminar Series: Dr. David Nutt, “The new science of psychedelic drugs”
Monday, February 22 Seminar Series: Dr. Natasha Chang, “Molecular mechanisms of satellite cell function and dysfunction”
Monday, February 8 Seminar Series: Dr. Joel Boerckel, “Mechanobiology of development and regeneration: a choose-your-own-adventure zoom”
Monday, February 1 Seminar Series: Shelby Oke, PhD Candidate "The molecular mechanisms underlying hepatic mitochondrial dysfunction in low birth weight offspring"
Monday, January 25 Seminar Series: Olivia Samotus, PhD Candidate “Exploring the effects of spinal cord stimulation therapy for freezing of gait in parkinsonian patients”
Monday, January 18 Seminar Series: Alexander Peidl, PhD Candidate “CCN3: A novel anti-fibrotic therapy that targets the activation of collagen-lineage fibroblasts in a murine model of scleroderma”
Monday, January 11 Seminar Series: Dr. Stephane Bourque, "Anemia in pregnancy: causes, challenges and long-term consequences”
Monday, December 14 Seminar Series: Brandon Baer, PhD Candidate “Exogenous Surfactant as a Delivery Vehicle for Intrapulmonary Therapeutics”
Thursday, December 10 Lunch and Learn: Dr. Peter Chidiac, "Analysis of dose response data using Prism"
Monday, December 7 Seminar Series: Jaymin Jeong, PhD Candidate "Effects of neurosteroids and phosphorylation on GABAa receptor currents and the piriform cortex circuit”
Monday, December 7 Seminar Series: Jaymin Jeong, PhD Candidate “Effects of neurosteroids and phosphorylation on GABAA receptor currents and the piriform cortex circuit”
Monday, November 30 Seminar Series: Dr. Isaac Chiu, “Neuro-immune crosstalk in bacterial host defense and inflammation”
Monday, November 23 Seminar Series: Dr. Elva Zhao , “Molecular Mechanisms of Class B receptor biased agonism”
Thursday, November 19 Lunch and Learn: David Carter, “RNA and DNA sequencing services at the LRGC”
Monday, November 16 Seminar Series: Dr. Douglas Fraser, “Pathophysiological Profiling of Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: Data From The Lawson COVID-19 Study Team”
Monday, November 9 Seminar Series: Dr. Steve Reichow, “Molecular mechanisms of gap junction cell-to-cell communication visualized by CryoEM”
Monday, October 26 Seminar Series: Dr. Antoine Dufour , “Playing the game of Pac-Man: Be careful when you run with molecular scissors”
Monday, October 19 Seminar Series: Dr. Kimberly Buhman, "Dietary Fat Absorption in Health and Disease"
Monday, October 5 Seminar Series: Dr.Erin Mulvihill: "Targeting hepatocyte DPP4 in liver disease progression"
Monday, October 28 Seminar Series: Dr. Robert Laprairie: "The Untapped potential of synthetic and naturally occurring cannabinoids"
Monday, September 21 Seminar Series: Dr. Reza Sharif-Naeini: “Peripheral Sensors of Pain”
Thursday, June 18 PhD Public Lecture: Matthew Veras, PhD Candidate, "Regulators of Ectopic Calcification in a Mouse Model of DISH: A Multi-Omics Perspective"
Monday, June 15 Seminar Series: Dr. Rishi Ganesan, "Timely detection of non-convulsive seizures in critically ill children"
Thursday, June 11 PhD Public Lecture: Geoffrey Kerr, PhD Candidate,"Investigating pathways associated with intervertebral disc degeneration and back pain"
Monday, May 25 CANCELLED: Seminar Series: Stephane Bourque, PhD
Monday, May 11 Seminar Series: Joshua Dierolf, PhD Candidate: "Pyruvate kinase muscle isoforms 1 and 2 evolve through mouse naïve, formative and primed pluripotency development"
Monday, May 4 POSTPONED: Seminar Series: Olivia Samotus, PhD Candidate: "Exploring the effect of spinal cord stimulation in Parkinson's disease patients with significant gait dysfunction"
Monday, April 6 CANCELLED: Seminar Series: Dr. Abdessamad Elkaoutari, "Basal-like and Classical cells coexist in pancreatic adenocarcinoma revealed by single cell analysis"
Monday, March 23 CANCELLED: Opening Doors, Graduate Student Career Session
Monday, March 16 Seminar Series: Sandra Szlapinski, PhD Candidate, "Investigating the underlying mechanisms of pancreatic beta-cell deficiency in gestational diabetes mellitus"
Thursday, March 12 Lunch and Learn: Drs. Tim Bussey, Marco Prado, Julie Dumont, Sara Memar, and Miguel Skirzewski
Monday, March 9 Seminar Series: Dr. Len Luyt, "Discovering Peptide and Small Molecule PET Probes for Imaging Cancer"
Monday, March 2 Seminar Series: Dr. Thomas Simmen: "Adaptation and Remodeling of Mitochondria-Associated Membranes"
Monday, February 24 Seminar Series: Laura Russel, "Genetic variation in hepatic bile acid transporters: transport, expression, and endogenous biomarkers"
Thursday, February 20 Visiting Speaker Seminar: Dr. Lara Longobardi, "Targeting the CCR2 receptor to reduce joint degeneration and pain perception during post-traumatic osteoarthritis"
Monday, February 10 Seminar Series: Dr. Dylan Burger, “Extracellular Vesicles in Cardiovascular and Renal Disease”
Monday, February 3 Seminar Series: Pierre Thibeault, “Molecular mechanisms regulating the platelet thrombin receptor PAR4”
Monday, January 27 Seminar Series: Dr. Garcia-Bournissen, "Developing medications for pediatric neglected diseases – challenges and opportunities"
Monday, January 20 Seminar Series: Dr. Jonathan Michaels, "Combing deep learning and primate electrophysiology to understand reach and grasp control"
Thursday, January 16 Lunch and Learn: Dr. Dean Betts and Dr. Lauren Flynn
Monday, January 13 Seminar Series: Dr.Majid Mohajerani, "Mapping the spatiotemporal dynamics of hippocampal-cortical dynamics in health and Alzheimer’s disease"
Monday, February 3 Seminar Series: Pierre Thibeault, "Molecular mechanisms regulating the platelet thrombin receptor PAR4"
Monday, December 2 Seminar Series: Mark Kim, "Characterization of Mechanotransduction in Annulus Fibrosus Cells"
Thursday, November 28 Recruitment Seminar: Dr. Matthew Grol, "Gene Therapy Strategies for Treatment of Musculoskeletal Diseases"
Monday, November 25 Seminar Series: Matthew Veras, "Regulators of ectopic calcification in a mouse model of DISH: A multi-omics perspective"
Monday, November 18 CANCELLED: Seminar Series: Dr. Jane McGlade, “Regulation of CBL ubiquitin ligase function in development and disease”
Thursday, November 14 Lunch and Learn: Dr. Peter Stathopulos " PyMOL Basics for the Visualization of Molecular Structures"
Monday, November 11 Seminar Series: Dr. Samuel Asfaha, "Intestinal stem cells and colorectal cancer"
Tuesday, November 5 2019 Charles W. Gowdey Distinguished Lecture and Research Day
Monday, October 21 Seminar Series: Dr. Sourav Ghosh, "Phosphatidylserine sensing in life and death"
Thursday, October 17 Lunch and Learn Workshop: "Methods and Concepts in Microscopy"
Monday, October 7 Seminar Series: Dr. Stan Leung, “Neural activity in the hippocampus as indicators of normal and abnormal brain processing”
Monday, September 30 Seminar Series: Geoffrey Kerr, "Investigating pathways associated with intervertebral disc degeneration and back pain"
Monday, September 23 Seminar Series: Kevin Nixon, “Mushroom body-specific gene regulation by the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex”
Monday, October 21 Seminar Series: Dr. Sourav Ghos, “Phosphatidylserine sensing in life and death”
Monday, July 8 Seminar Series: Melina Bellini, "Signaling in cartilage and osteoarthritis”
Monday, June 17 Seminar Series: Dr. Jamie Joseph, "The role of anaplerotically derived metabolites in the regulation of pancreatic β-cell function"
Friday, June 14 Douglas Jones Cardiovascular Symposium
Monday, June 10 Seminar Series: Dr. Tugce Balci, "What is Left? A Proposed Canadian Framework for Unsolved Rare Genetic Diseases"
Monday, May 27 Seminar Series: "Graduate Degrees: Opening Doors To Exciting Careers!"
Monday, May 13 Seminar Series: Dr. Natasha Mhatre, "How closely are sensory and motor systems linked? From organisms to cells"
Monday, April 29 Seminar Series: Dr. John Traynor, "Opioid receptor allostery: A new approach to analgesia"
Monday, April 22 Seminar Series: Dr. Douglas Jones, "Insights & Adventures in Neuroscience and Cardiovascular Research, or, Things I Learned from Mixed Farming"
Monday, April 15 Seminar Series: Dr. Ravi Menon, "Brain network plasticity supports behavioural recovery: MRI studies of concussion"
Thursday, April 11 Lunch and Learn: Generating Novel Mouse Models Using CRISPR
Monday, April 1 Seminar Series: Dr. Kerry Goralski, "Jadomycins as treatments for Multi-Drug Resistant Breast Cancer"
Monday, March 18 Seminar Series: Dr. Tamara Kelly, "Community in the classroom: collaborative testing and more"
Tuesday, March 12 Biomedical Research and Graduate Studies Outreach 2019
Come and explore research opportunities in the Department of Physiology and PharmacologyMonday, March 11 Seminar Series: Melissa Fenech, "Regulation of calcium homeostasis in the exocrine pancreas"
Monday, March 4 Seminar Series: Dr. Paul Faure, "Tuning to the rate and duration of frequency modulation in the mammalian auditory midbrain"
Monday, February 25 Seminar Series: Dr. Scott Ryan, "The role of alpha-synuclein oligomerization in the pathogenesis of PD"
Monday, February 11 Seminar Series: Dr. Andrew Advani, "Re-shaping the epigenetic landscape in kidney disease”
Thursday, February 7 Lunch and Learn: Scientific Writing for all Readers
Monday, February 4 Seminar Series: Dr. Eric Arts, "Working towards HIV Cure"
Monday, January 28 Seminar Series: Melissa Crawford, "Integrin-linked kinase modulation of melanocytic lineage cells"
Thursday, January 17 Lunch and Learn: Updates on ACVS Services and the New Biomedical Research Animal Care Facility
Monday, December 10 Seminar Series: Dr. Jeremy Hirota, "Do ABC transporters orchestrate respiratory mucosal immune responses important in chronic respiratory disease?”
Monday, December 3 Seminar Series: Dr. Steven Kerfoot, "B cell fate decisions in the Germinal Center”
Monday, November 26 Seminar Series: Dr. Jamie Melling, "Weighing the benefits and risks associated with regular exercise in Type 1 Diabetes"
Thursday, November 22 Lunch and Learn Workshop: Data Management and Lab Record Keeping
Monday, November 19 Seminar Series: Dr. Nelson Dusetti, "Chemo sensitivity and clinical outcome prediction"
Monday, November 12 Seminar Series: Dr. Amy Reichelt, "Food for thought - How junk foods impact learning and memory"
Tuesday, November 6 2018 James A.F. Stevenson Distinguished Lecture and Research Day
Monday, October 29 Seminar Series: Dr. Art Poon, "Blind dates in a quiet reservoir: how clocks, trees and chains teach us about HIV-1 latency"
Monday, October 22 Seminar Series: Anish Engineer, “Pregrestational Diabetes-Induced Congenital Heart Defects and Coronary Artery Malformations: Mechanisms and Preventative Therapies”
Thursday, October 18 Lunch and Learn Workshop: Dr. Greg Gloor, "Bioinformatics: Transcriptome Analysis"
Monday, October 15 Seminar Series: Stephan Sherman, “The Purification of adult progenitor cell types to promote angiogenesis.”
Wednesday, October 3 Recruitment Seminar: Taylor Schmitz, "Advancing multi-level mechanistic models of neurodegenerative disease and cognition"
Monday, October 1 Seminar Series: Dr. Scott Prosser, “Molecular and Mechanistic Underpinnings of Signal Transduction in Membranes - NMR Inspired Studies of the Conformational Landscape in Enzymes & GPCRs”
Thursday, September 6 Corn Roast 2018
Our annual departmental Corn Roast will be Thursday, September 6 from 4:30 - 9:30 pm at the Watson Porter Pavillion, Fanshawe Park.Friday, June 8 BBQ and Golf Day 2018
Join us for our annual Golf Day at Llyndinshire Golf Club followed by the BBQ at Weldon Park, Arva. No golf -- or barbecue -- experience required!Monday, April 16 Seminar Series: Dr. Bernardo Trigatti, "HDL beyond cholesterol transport: HDL signaling and protection against cardiovascular disease”
Monday, April 9 Seminar Series: Dr. Gary Lopaschuk, "Optimizing Cardiac Energy Metabolism as an Approach to Treating Heart Failure"
Monday, April 2 Seminar Series: Aze Wilson, "Drug metabolism and response in Inflammatory Bowel Disease"
Monday, March 26 Opening Doors: "Graduate Degrees: Opening Doors to Exciting Careers!"
Thursday, March 22 Lunch and Learn Workshops: Dr. Jamie Kramer and Kevin Nixon (PhD Candidate), "RNA Sequencing"
Monday, March 19 Seminar Series: Dr. Christophe Altier, "Modulation of the Mu Opioid Receptor (MOR) by the TRPV1 channel"
Monday, March 12 Seminar Series: Dr. Seema Bhatnagar, "Neural circuitry underlying adaptations to repeated stress"
Tuesday, Mar 6 Interested in Biomedical Research and Graduate Studies?
Monday, March 5 Seminar Series: Dr. Peter Rogan, "Prediction of genomic responses to chemotherapies and radiotherapy in cancer by biochemically-inspired machine learning"
Monday, February 26 Seminar Series: Nole Hiebert, "Role of the striatum in learning and decision making"
Monday, February 5 Seminar Series: Dr. Sashko Damjanovski, "The regulation of cell movement by MT1-MMP – more than just a protease"
Monday, January 29 Seminar Series: Ian Tobias, “Phenotypic and metabolic plasticity of embryonic stem cells from the domestic dog”
Monday, January 22 Seminar Series: Dr. Jayne Garland, “Emphasizing speed in the rehabilitation of ambulatory balance after stroke”
Monday, December 11 Seminar Series: Marcus Gulilat, "Apixaban, an oral anticoagulant: exploring predictors of apixaban drug exposure in patients with Atrial Fibrillation"
Monday, December 4 Seminar Series: Adrienne Borrie, “The impact of clinical and pharmacogenetic factors in the use of aromatase inhibitors in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer”
Monday, November 27 Seminar Series: Dr. Alp Sener, "A novel therapeutic strategy in organ preservation: is hydrogen sulphide therapy ready for prime time?"
Monday, November 20 Seminar Series: Dr. Koren Mann, “The diverse pathologies associated with metal toxicology: lessons from arsenic and tungsten”
Monday, November 13 Seminar Series: Dr. Michelle French, “Best practices in science education: engaging and motivating”
Tuesday, November 7 Gowdey Lecture and Annual Research Day: Dr. John D. Schuetz, "ABC transporters role in disease and therapeutic response”
Monday, November 6 Seminar Series: No Seminar This Week
Monday, October 30 Seminar Series: Dr. Walter Siqueira, “Deciphering the Clinical Relevance of Saliva for Oral and Systemic Conditions"
Monday, October 23 Seminar Series: Dr. Trevor Shephard, "Deciphering stress-induced survival mechanisms that support the spread of ovarian cancer"
Monday, October 16 Seminar Series: Dr. Anne Simon, "Genetic and environmental influences on social space: what can we learn from the fly?"
Monday, September 25 Seminar Series: Dr. Jean-Claude Labbé, “Regulation of actomyosin contractility and syncytialorganization in the C. elegans germline”
Monday, September 18 Seminar Series: Nicole Edwards, “The role of p66Shc in mouse blastocyst development"