Accommodations for Residents with Unique Needs

Paper On Residents Requiring Accommodation For Disabilities

It is accepted that from time to time a trainee may require accommodations for disabilities of either a long-term or short-term nature. These issues must be dealt with in a confidential manner, fairly and with sensitivity and compassion. Accommodation is most effectively provided when disability is discussed prospectively and requirements negotiated openly. As the needs of the requesting resident are considered issues of equity and the training of the other residents in the program must also be considered. All parties are encouraged to seek arms-length consultation and advice as they work through the process. The following principles are developed to help program directors and residents address these issues in such a manner.

  1. .If a post graduate trainee wishes accommodations to be made on the basis of disability, the Program Director and Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education must be informed of the request for accommodation with suitable justification for this request. In the event that the trainee does not wish the specifics of the need for accommodation to be made known to the Program Director and Associate Dean, Postgraduate Education, documentation may be presented to and held by the Associate Dean Student Affairs who in turn will be expected to summarize the justification in such a way as to maintain confidentiality before passing it on for decision making. All information will be kept confidential according to the resident's wishes.
  2. Appeals of an unsatisfactory evaluation can not be based on the grounds of disability unless there has been prior disclosure of the disability with a resultant decision regarding accommodation that was acceptable to the student.
  3. It is a Program Director and mentor's responsibility to provide career counseling for residents. This is especially important if limitations of the disability might affect the ability to practice medicine in the enrolled specialty or affect eligibility for general licensure. The aim of such counseling is to enable residents to reach their realistic maximum potential and will be done in a confidential and sensitive manner.
  4. When developing specific accommodations, the principle that educational objectives and evaluations must be based on accepted standards for independent functioning will be adhered to. Such objectives must be available for all residents at the time of entering each program. By the end of the program, residents, regardless of their disability, must have achieved the goals and objectives with respect to essential knowledge and skills for certification in their program.
  5. In the case of a discrepancy between accommodations being requested by a resident and those felt to be necessary by the Program Director, the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education will act as a mediator. If it is deemed that grounds exist an independent assessment by an individual with expertise in the disability, as well as medical education will be sought. The appointment of the assessor will be the responsibility of the Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education. The individual(s) to be consulted must also be acceptable to the Program Director and the resident.
  6. After special accommodation has been granted, interval reports may be required from the resident's physician/therapist at times mutually agreed upon by the resident and program director. Review of the accommodation should be undertaken from time to time to ensure that the needs of the trainee and the requirements of the program are being met.
  7. In the case of substantial deterioration of the disability, additional documentation may be required before a decision regarding revised accommodation is made.
  8. All parties are encouraged to seek arms-length consultation and advice as they work through the process. In particular the applying resident can obtain advice from Associate Dean, Postgraduate Medical Education, The Associate Dean Student Affairs, the Associate Dean, Equity and Gender and Faculty Health, the Services for Students with Disabilities U.W.O. or PAIRO. Should the resident wish to have the help of a third party in making the request, the Associate Dean, Equity and Gender and Faculty Health, PAIRO or the Services for Students with Disabilities U.W.O. may assist the trainee.

Approved UWO:PGE Committee, February 16, 2005