Faculty Corner

Announcing an exciting opportunity with the UME Longitudinal Coaching Program

While the concept of coaching has been enthusiastically adopted in medical education (in line with the transition to CBME), the operationalization of the concept within our context has been a slower learning curve. Over the years, we have been learning more about how to develop the role of longitudinal coaching (coaching over time) to benefit our learners the way we intend. With this in mind, we have been rebuilding and restructuring our undergraduate medical education coaching program to create an experience that we envision will be rewarding for both parties (coach and coachee). 

One of the big changes is that the coaching is predominantly voluntarily, students opting into the program when they perceive benefit in what the program has to offer. 

Visit the program link for more details. 

Why should you reach out to learn more?

  • Rewarding opportunity to build an educational alliance with a medical student
  • Professional development opportunities that will contribute to personal growth and development
  • Join a community of practice 
  • All coaches will receive an annual letter outlining their contributions to the program
  • Meet an Olympian 

How to learn more about the program: