Undergraduate Report

What are the students up to?

Meds 2025: Rural and Selective preferences have been received by the Departments. Michele Vanderspank, Undergraduate coordinator, is busy planning for Meds 2025 clerkship year. If you’re interested in having clerkship students rotate with you, and haven’t heard from the Department for a while, please reach out to Michele – fmudgrad@uwo.ca.

Meds 2024: There are four more months of clerkship remaining. Students are excited for electives to return, and back this year, visiting electives are open. Thank you to all the faculty who have agreed to take Domestic and International visiting students this month. The students are so appreciative. Michele will be reaching out soon with Western student’s 4th year elective requests for fall 2023.

We are always looking for ways to make clinical rotations better, for the students, faculty and communities. If you have any ideas on ways we can improve, please reach out.