Successful Research Bazaar

Drs. Saadia Hameed and Dan Leger facilitated our department’s first Research Bazaar, as a faculty development session, held on April 11. Approximately 20 department members attended the session in person, with another five joining via livestream.

Saadia and Dan provided their own personalized engagement and motivation to conduct research, after which they asked participants to share their research interests and experiences. A number of clinicians provided their success stories with regard to research.  Participants were then asked: Think about a time when you were excited about or impressed by research. What was the research and what excited you about it? We gathered participants’ answers to these questions and will be summarizing these reflections as we begin to shape the narrative of research in the department.

If you were not able to attend the Research Bazaar, please feel free to answer the italicized questions and forward your responses to for inclusion in our summary. Congratulations on our first bazaar, and thanks to everyone for your valuable contributions.