Western captures second place in Resident Simulation Showcase at Family Medicine Forum

From L to R in the team photo:  Dr. Daniel Tsoy, Dr. Alexander Pavlosky, Dr. Lawrence Yau, Dr. Kelly Lien, Dr. Meirui Li, and Dr. Kyle Carter

From L to R: Dr. Daniel Tsoy, Dr. Alexander Pavlosky, Dr. Lawrence Yau, Dr. Kelly Lien, Dr. Meirui Li, and Dr. Kyle Carter.

Family Medicine residents from the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry at Western University competed in the Resident Simulation Showcase at Family Medicine Forum (FMF).

Six teams of four family medicine residents from separate Canadian university residency programs performed a high fidelity patient simulation assessment and treatment of a computerized patient mannequin. Each team performed two cases in front of faculty judges and an audience of over 100 attendees.

Structured feedback by the judges occured directly after each case in front of the audience, highlighting the critical clinical teaching points of the respective case. Cases were chosen to represent clinical scenarios that may also be encountered in an office setting.

Congratulations to our Western team on placing second in the competition for the second consecutive year. The Western team was comprised of residents, Dr. Kelly Lien, Dr. Meirui Li, Dr. Alexander Pavlosky, Dr. Daniel Tsoy, Dr. Lawrence Yau, and faculty member, Dr. Kyle Carter.

"Our team had a great repeat performance this year at FMF," said Dr. Lien. "We really focused on closed-loop communication and a team-based approach, where everyone felt comfortable speaking up if they had any concerns. A big thanks to Dr. Carter for his dedication to simulation and incorporating it into our residency training."