Accreditation Forms and Templates
Explore our CPD Activity Planning Guide to walk you through the process of developing and accrediting a CPD activity.
National Standard for Support of Accredited CPD Activities
All applications must comply with the National Standard for Support of Accredited CPD Activities. All application forms and templates provided below are updated periodically to ensure compliance with the standard. If you have questions about the National Standard, please get in touch with us!
Application Forms
CPD Online Services Portal
This portal is used to apply for both CFPC Mainpro+ certification and RCSPC MOC (Section 1 & 3) credits.
SPC members will also use this portal to submit their Conflict of Interest Disclosure forms. View our step-by-step instructions to complete a COI form in CPD Online Portal.
As of January 1, 2022, all applications and SPC COI disclosure forms must be submitted using the online portal.
NEW! As of June 1, 2023, SPC Meeting Minutes / Notes must be provided as supporting documentation for all applications seeking accreditation.
NEW! Mainpro+ and MOC Section 1 Online Application Questions
One-credit-per-hour Standards
Please review either ONE or BOTH standards depending on the target audience for your group learning event:
CFPC Mainpro+ (credits for Family Physicians) Standards
RCPSC MOC Section 1 (credits for Specialists) Standards
MOC Section 3 Standards
MOC Section 1 Self Approval
Rounds, Journal Clubs and Small Group Learning Activities under Section 1 of the RCPSC MOC Framework can be self-accredited by an acceptable Physician Organization. Application Process
Supporting Documentation and Templates
Application Checklist (DOCX)
Agenda Requirements and Template (DOCX) NEW - Updated December 2024
Budget Template (XLS)
Certificate of Attendance Template (DOCX) NEW - Updated December 2024
CFPC COI Disclosure Form (PDF) RCPSC COI Disclosure Form (DOCX)
Evaluation Form Template (DOCX) NEW - Updated December 2024
SPC Chair Agreement (DOCX)
Speaker Communication Template (DOCX)
Sponsorship Agreement (DOCX)
NEW REQUIREMENT! SPC Meeting Minutes/Notes Guide (DOCX)
Optional Resources:
NEW! Linking Identified Needs, CanMEDS/CanMEDS-FM Roles and Learning Objectives (DOCX)
Commitment to Change Templates:
Personal Reflection Form (to be included with the Evaluation Form) (PDF)
Sample Post-Activity Follow-Up Questions ( PDF)
Additional Requirements for Mainpro+ Applications
CFPC Representative Confirmation Form
One CFPC member of the scientific planning committee must complete this form to confirm their involvement in the planning and delivery of this activity.
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Slides
The College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC) requires a 3 slide disclosure at ALL Mainpro+ certified events. These include:
- Full disclosure of sponsorship funding received for the program.
- Outline of how potential conflicts of interest resulting from sponsorship funding or relations between speakers/planning committee members and industry have been resolved.
- Conflict of interest disclosure for each speaker and planning committee member.
Content Review for Programs on Opioids and/or Medical Marijuana/Dried Cannabis
A review process is in place to apply for Mainpro+ credits for programs or presentations on topics related to prescribing opioids and medicinal marijuana/dried cannabis. This process does not apply to MOC applications.
When submitting an application for a program which includes opioids, please submit the title and overall objectives for the presentation in question. The speaker should also provide a statement confirming if their presentation will include discussion on the prescribing and dosing of opioids. If it does, they should also confirm that they are not recommending dosing higher than the 2017 Guideline for Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain.
When submitting an application for a program which includes medical marijuana/dried cannabis, please submit the title and overall objectives for the presentation in question. The speaker should also provide a statement confirming if their presentation will address prescribing medical marijuana to patients or if it focuses on recreational use and its side effects.
Once this information is received you will be advised if full content review is required or not.
Should a presentation require content review, it will be reviewed as part of the CFPC peer review process. The full presentation and application material will need to be submitted at least one month prior to the event. If content review is required it must be completed before program accreditation can be granted.
Quick Tips & Tools
CPD Activity Planning Guide
This Guide has been developed to assist faculty and departments in improving CPD activity quality, and to outline the process of developing and accrediting / certifying a CPD activity.
Submitting an Accreditation Application: Quick Guide
This Guide is a quick overview of the application process. For more details, see the CPD Activity Planning Guide.
Conflict of Interest Management Tool
To help manage conflict of interest, CPD has developed a tool to support gathering, disclosure, and proper dissemination of potential conflicts of interest
Conflict of Interest Management Tool
If you'd like a more detailed approach to understanding conflicts of interest please visit our CPD Activity Planning Guide
Sponsorship Quick Tips
CPD has developed a tool to outline the requirements for sponsorship related to CPD activities.
Sponsorship Quick Tips
If you'd like a more detailed approach to understanding sponsorship related to CPD activities, please vist our CPD Activity Planning Guide
Learning Objectives Tools
NOSM University's Continuing Education and Professional Development has an AI resource that is useful to develop and get feedback on learning objectives. To use this tool:
- Navigate to the CanMEDS Learning Objective Specialist.
You will need to sign in or create a free ChatGPT account. - Once you are in the resource, you can ask the chatbot for help developing your learning objective, for example: "Can you please review this learning objective: 'At the conclusion of this conference, participants will be able to...'".
- Ensure ChatGPT's response hasn't changed your intent.
ChatGPT is not always correct but our office can further refine your learning objectives if required during the review of your application.
Well formulated learning objectives provide participants with an understanding of the knowledge, skills, behaviours, or attitudes they will gain as an outcome of the activity.
Developing learning objectives can be challenging, and CPD wants to support you in this effort by providing these helpful resources:
Learning Objectives Quick Tips
NEW! Online Learning Objective Screening Tool
For more information about how and why we use learning objective in developing programs please visit our CPD Activity Planning Guide
Additional Information
Accreditation Application Review Fees and Financial Notes
Application Type |
Internal Applications* Without Sponsorship |
Internal Applications* With Sponsorship |
External Applications With Sponsorship ≤ $25,000 |
External Applications With Sponsorship > $25,000 |
MOC Section 1 OR Mainpro+ | $450 | $650 |
$1500 MOC Section 1 only |
$5000 MOC Section 1 only |
MOC Section 1 AND Mainpro+ | $800 | $1200 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
MOC Section 3 | $650 | $850 | $2000 | $5500 |
MOC Section 3 AND Mainpro+ | $1000 | $1400 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Late Application Penalty Fee | 4 Wks Before Event | 3 Wks Before Event | 2 Wks Before Event | 1 Wk Before Event |
+ $150 | + $250 |
+ $350 (MOC) Unable to Process (Mainpro+) |
Unable to Process |
*Internal applications include Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry departments, divisions and units, along with affiliated institutions such as teaching hospitals (including distributed education sites) and research organizations.
Application fees are assessed once an application has been submitted for review. Applications that are withdrawn or rejected are still subject to all applicable fees.
HST is applicable on all tuition fees and educational grants associated with continuing education events.
All Schulich Medicine continuing educational events must be managed through a Fund 4 project account created through Western University Financial Services. The Continuing Education Guidelines and Application Form is here: Download Form. You can't view this form in your web browser. To download this interactive PDF form, right-click on the link and choose "Save link as" from the menu that pops up. Afterwards, you can open the downloaded file. For more information, please visit Financial Services' Endowment & Restricted Funds webpage and click on the "Continuing Education Projects" accordion menu to open it.
Submission of an Application
The completed application form and supporting documentation must be submitted using the CPD Online Services Portal.
Complete submission packages should be received no later than 4 weeks in advance of your program date. Applications received later than this will incur additional charges (see fee chart in tab above). The application review process can take 2-4 weeks. Ideally, applications should be submitted at least 6 weeks in advance. See the Application Review Process for more information.
Planners cannot advertise that an event has been accredited until an application has been approved.
Planners cannot state that 'accreditation is pending' on their promotional materials.
CPD cannot accredit activities retroactively.
Planning Committee Members
Planning committees must include a minimum of 3 members of the target audience. Administrative staff cannot be counted as one of these 3, unless administrative staff are included in the target audience. Planning committee composition:
For Mainpro+ certified group learning activities, there must be a minimum of 1 member of the CFPC.
For Mainpro+ certified online programs, there must be a minimum of 3 members of the CFPC.
For MOC Section 1 programs, there must be a minimum of 1 member of the RCPSC.
Logos and branding which reflect the acceptable physician organization developing, or co-developing, the program should be used consistently on all documentation.
Programs developed, or co-developed, by a clinical department or educational unit of the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University must comply with the school’s branding guidelines. More information
Activity Audits
Approximately 10% of accredited CPD activities will be audited annually. Selection will be random and organizers will be advised a few days in advance if their activity has been selected. If your activity is selected, you will be sent additional information about the audit process. Items considered during the audit may include: SPC and speaker COI disclosures; adherence to the approved agenda; opportunities for participant interaction; sponsorship influence, etc. This is not meant to be a punitive activity and is designed help improve future CPD activities.