Year 4

A medical student facing the camera with a hallway in the background

The fourth year of medicine includes Clinical Science Electives, and Integration, and Transition course. Beginning in Year 4, Clinical Science Electives are arranged entirely by the student in any area of medicine, at Schulich or in other centres. After completion of the Clinical Electives, students return to Schulich in January for the Integration and Transition course. This permits students to further integrate the basic and clinical aspects of medicine in light of their clinical experience.



Pathology Electives

Rotation Directors: Drs. Helen Ettler, Keith Kwan and Nikhil Sangle  

The Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine offers an elective option in pathology to 4 year medical students during all blocks (September-December) at LHSC - University Campus.  The student may initially observe and later participate in the routine activities of the laboratory, including participation in autopsies and examination of gross and microscopic specimens. The student will be assigned to a staff pathologist for direction and supervision. The supervisor will negotiate with the student the terminal objectives of the rotation and the student’s learning goals. 

These Electives are subject to space constraints

Students will need to contact Cheryl Campbell directly to check on availability of space and to arrange elective (not in lottery).  When inquiring about an elective please be sure to give the specific dates that you are interested in.  These electives can be either 2 weeks or 4 weeks in length.



Pathology and Laboratory Medicine “Guide for New Doctors” 

Selective for Meds 4 Integration and Transition Course

Course Coordinator: Dr. Michele Weir 

Course Description


The goals of this course are to enable new doctors to:

  1. use pathology and laboratory medicine resources effectively and judiciously while problem solving common diagnostic issues;

  2. apply measures to improve quality and ensure patient safety consistently; and

  3. collaborate effectively and communicate clearly with the Pathology and Laboratory Medicine team.

This course consists of 4 key themes which are integrated into a variety of teaching modalities. It includes some clinically relevant exit competencies in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, which build on and complement competencies introduced in year 3 during surgical rotations in the form of Pathology Case Conferences (mandatory pathology modules). A graduating medical student should demonstrate these competencies in preparation for and transition to residency.