Paediatric Critical Care Fellowship


Training in the Division of Paediatric Critical Care Medicine, at the Western University-affiliated Children’s Hospital (London) is designed to produce knowledgeable, technically-proficient, and academically-orientated critical care specialists. We are the second largest PCCM program in Ontario, with approximately 750 admissions per year to our 12-bed, state of the art unit. We support and are supported by all the major Paediatric subspecialties except Paediatric Cardiac Surgery. We offer a two-year program, which will provide training in Paediatric Critical Care Medicine, transport medicine, procedural sedation, point of care ultrasound and research techniques. Our program is intentionally kept small – there is only one critical care trainee accepted per year. This allows trainees ample opportunity for learning and practicing skills, one-on-one teaching, and leadership roles. With the launch of Competency by Design, trainees commencing in July 1, 2019 and beyond will further benefit from a competency based training program through in the moment, specific, constructive feedback from the consultants they are working with one-on-one.

In the first year of training the acquisition of core competencies is the priority. In the second year the focus is on transition to junior consultancy. These goals are achieved via rotations in Paediatric Critical Care Medicine, Adult critical care, and Anaesthesia in London; and Paediatric Cardiac Critical/Intensive Care at the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto and Stollery Children’s Hospital, Edmonton and other collaborating sites. Initiation of a mentored research project is essential, and our goal is successful first-author publication for the trainee. The trainee will assume a role in the administrative and educational aspects of the program. Postgraduate learning via formal courses (e.g. clinical epidemiology, medical education) is encouraged.

Trainees in the Division of Paediatric Critical Care Medicine are supervised by the program director. The director is supported by the other staff physicians who are committed to ensuring that the goals of the training program are met.