Postgraduate Program Report

CaRMS 2016: The CaRMS recruitment days that took place on January 15th, 23rd and 24th were a huge success. We interviewed over 600 candidates in total. I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of the faculty, staff and residents that have offered their assistance for these events. We couldn’t do it without you. Match day is March 2nd, 2016, and the CaRMS 2nd iteration interview day is tentatively scheduled for March 19th, 2016.

Triple C Update: We are continuing to work on enhancing the continuity component of our program.  Within the Triple C curriculum there is continuity in terms of patient care, but also continuity in terms of the amount of time spent in Family Medicine specific training.  In order to meet the standards of accreditation, we are looking at ways to increase the continuity in Family Medicine specific training for our residents.

Faculty Development:  The CFPC has released an important document titled, “Fundamental Teaching Activities in Family Medicine: A Framework for Faculty Development”. I encourage you to read through this document, as it is intended to help provide teachers with an understanding of the activities that are expected of them.  It can also serve as a road map to help guide teachers’ self-reflection and ongoing professional development.

Dr. Jamie Wickett,
Assistant Professor and Postgraduate Director