Seminar Series: Juan Camilo Vargas-Gonzalez, MD, MS, PhD
Therapeutic Ranking: A tool in optimizing the selection of clinical treatments
Juan Camilo Vargas-Gonzalez, MD, MS, PhD

Head of Evidence Synthesis and Health Technology Management
Instituto de Evaluacion Tecnologica en Salud (IETS)
Bogota, Colombia
Neurology Unit
Hospital Universitario Nacional de Colombia
Short Biography:
I am a physician from Colombia specialist in neurology from UNal, and Doctor in Epidemiology and Biostatistics from Western University, Canada. As Head of Synthesis at IETS in Colombia, I direct the development of multiple clinical practice guidelines, therapeutic ranking analysis, health technology assessment evaluation and multiple systematic reviews.
I also have training in Cerebrovascular Disease at UNAM and TIA and the dementias prevention Clinic at Western.
A common clinical practice situation is that several different therapeutic options exist in a specific clinical scenario. In this case, evidence clinical practice guidelines seldom resolve this challenge. A new straightforward approach is necessary to inform practitioners about the order to consider the multiple therapeutic options that can formulate. We addressed this challenge through the Therapeutic Ranking methodology that obtains information from numerous methodological strategies to advise the clinical practitioners about the specific order in which they should consider different treatments for a particular clinical scenario.
Dementia, Stroke neurology, evidence to practice translation
Date: Friday, February 3rd
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: PHFM 3015 (Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine)