Seminar Series: Tara Elton-Marshall, PhD

Date: Friday, November 1
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: K203 (Third floor of the Kresge Building)
Examining the impact of gambling legalization in Ontario
Tara Elton-Marshall, PhD
Independent Scientist
Institute for Mental Health Policy Research, CAMH
Assistant Professor
Clinical Public Health Division
Dalla Lana School of Public Health
University of Toronto
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Western University
Short Bio:
Dr. Elton-Marshall evaluates addiction and substance use-related policies and programs with the goal of providing the evidence needed to strengthen future policy and programming and thus reduce addiction and substance use problems. Her research conducted in seven countries to date has provided the evidence base for restricting tobacco packaging and product design characteristics (for example, smoother sensation) that increase misperceptions of reduced harm. She has examined factors associated with problem gambling among adolescents in three provinces, and she is the co-principal investigator of a study evaluating the impact of the legalization of online gambling in Ontario.
She is also interested in health disparities in mental health and addiction, psychosocial mediators of addiction, and health equity in policy and programs. She has published several papers examining disparities in health among First Nations, Inuit and Métis youth in Canada. Her goal is to ensure that policies and programs are equitable, appropriate and effective for vulnerable populations, both nationally and internationally.
Coffee and tea will be provided, beginning at 1:00 p.m.
To reduce waste, guests are encouraged to bring a reusable mug or cup to the seminar. All are welcome. View the complete Seminar Series Listing.