Seminar Series: Anna Zajacova, PhD

Date: Friday, March 8
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: MSB 384 (Medical Sciences Building)
Health Returns to Higher Education in US and Canada
Anna Zajacova, PhDAssociate Professor
Department of Sociology
Western University
Short Bio: Anna Zajacova is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Western University. Her research examines issues in population health, health inequalities, and social determinants of health over the adult life course. In particular, she aims to understand how experiences in higher education and educational attainment influence later-life health and longevity among midlife and older adults. Her work has been funded by NIH National Institute on Aging and the National Cancer Institute.
Notes: Coffee and tea will be provided. To reduce waste, guests are encouraged to bring a reusable mug or cup to the seminar. All are welcome. View the complete Seminar Series Listing.
View the event poster.