KIWI (Department Portal)

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KIWI houses the Department's portal for faculty, staff, and trainees.

KIWI contains:

  • Department policies
  • Department memos
  • Committee meeting agendas, minutes and slides
  • Group pages for file sharing such as the Epilepsy Group, Cerebrovascular Group, etc.
  • Pages for trainees (residents and fellows)
  • Calendars for meetings, holidays, and rounds

 *** KIWI is not appropriate for patient-related information ***

What is KIWI?

KIWI is a collaborative environment for creating, sharing, and editing documents. Kiwi is divided up into different areas called "spaces". Access to spaces can be restricted by user or group, and users can have different permissions in different spaces. For example, all Kiwi users have access to this space, Kiwi Documentation and Support, but only a select few can do more than view pages and add comments. However, most users also have access to a space where they can edit pages and create new ones. Each space is run by a Space Administrator who has full control over the contents of the space and which users can access it. The underlying technology behind Kiwi is a product called Confluence, by Atlassian Software Systems.


Kiwi is heavily permissioned. This means that each user has different levels of access to each page within the Department's space. There will be pages in KIWI that you cannot access, ones that you can view but not change, and ones that you will have the ability to edit. These permissions are controlled by Space Administrators and by individual page editors. If you feel you need more access than you have been granted, contact CNS Space Administrator, Nicole Farrell.

How to Log In

Log in to KIWI using your Western credentials - the same login you would use for Western e-mail, libraries, and Human Resources. If you do not know your Western credentials, contact Western Technology Services.

If it is your first time logging in you will not automatically have access to the Department spaces. Once you have logged in for the first time, contact Nicole Farrell and she will give you access.

Why are we using KIWI?

KIWI enables file sharing and discussion in a password protected space. This is especially useful for planning events (Rounds presentations, social events, etc), editing and reviewing documents, sharing memos and policies, sharing photos, etc. With KIWI the Department will have an archive of all documents so we can easily refer back to them rather than hunting through e-mails.