Course Requirements

Students enrolled in the Collaborative Graduate Program in Global Health Systems are expected to fulfill all course and thesis requirements in their home department. In addition to fulfilling those requirements of their home department, students in this stream are expected to take the following course credits in Global Health Systems:

All students
GHS 9010A Foundations of Global Health in Africa (0.5 FCE)

Doctoral Students
An additional 1.0 FCE of Global Health Systems courses (can be negotiated with the home department to substitute a home degree course requirement)

Options include:
GHS 9030 African Field School (0.5 FCE)
GHS 9011A Global Health Systems Assessment (0.5 FCE)
GHS 9012A Incubators and Accelerators of Innovation (0.5 FCE)
GHS 9020B Bridging Research to Policy and Practice to Improve Global Health (0.25 FCE)
GHS 9015B Social and Economic Determinants of Infectious Diseases (0.5 FCE)

Milestones (non-course degree requirements)
Students enrolled in the collaborative program are expected to attend one calendar year of milestone events. Students are also expected to present their work during the annual Western/African Collaboration Day celebrations (typically during International Week) where all Global Health Systems students will participate.