Seminar Series: Feng Xie

Date: February 26
Time: 1:30 p.m. EST

"Patient-Reported Outcomes: Bridging the gap between health research and policy"

Feng-Xie-320x360.jpgFeng Xie, PhD

Program for Health Economics and Outcome Measures (PHENOM)
Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence and Impact (HEI)
McMaster University

Abstract: In the era of patient centered health care, measuring patient-reported outcomes (PROs) is becoming increasingly popular. However, what are PROs, how to measure and use them, what role PROs can play in not just health research but also clinical practice and policy making? This seminar will walk through the theories, methods, and implementation related to PROs, and hopefully, provide some answers to the important questions.

Short Bio: Dr. Feng Xie is a Professor in the Department of Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (HEI) (formerly Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics) and the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis at McMaster University. His research interest, if described in scientific jargon, centers on health technology assessment, health economics, and patient-reported outcomes measures. But in plain language he is interested in improving the quality and efficiency of patient care through research that could have a direct influence on health policy.