Welcome from the Essex County Medical Society

Greetings from the Essex County Medical Society:

Thank you to the Schulich Medicine-Windsor Program for extending the opportunity to me to communicate directly you through a standing article in this newsletter.

The Essex County Medical Society (ECMS) is a branch society of the Ontario Medical Association and has represented our medical community for over 100 years.

The key functions of the ECMS are captured in the acronym “CARE”

  • C: Communication
  • A: Advocacy
  • R: Representation
  • E: Education

In addition, we host a number of events each year including dinners, a golf tournament and an annual picnic. We also organize the annual Southwest Ontario Medical Education Day (SWOMED).

Currently, members of the ECMS Executive are advocating with regard to the anticipated reduction to healthcare funding by the provincial government. Our campaign involves letters to the editor, meetings with our local MPP’s and social media. More information is available at www.ontariosdoctors.ca

One of the goals of our Executive is to increase involvement by Medical Students and Residents in the ECMS. We have reduced the annual membership fee to only $10 this year. An incredible deal considering that members can attend the Annual Gala for free! Take the opportunity to join by contacting marlene@ecms.org We are also working on plans for Medical Student and Resident representation on our Executive.

As President of the society, if there are any issues or concerns that I can help with, please contact me directly.

Tim O’Callahan, MD

President, Essex County Medical Society