Elizabeth Finger, MD

Scientist, Robarts Research Institute
Scientist, Lawson Health Research Institute
Scientist, Parkwood Institute Research
Director of Research, Dept. of CNS
Office: Parkwood Institute
Phone: 519-646-6032
Secretary: Kathy Ayers
Bio Sketch
Dr. Finger received her MD from Cornell University. She completed an internship in Internal Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, followed by residency in Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Finger completed a clinical research fellowship at the National Institutes of Health in the Unit on Affective and Cognitive Disorders at the NIMH.
Dr. Finger joined the Department in 2007 and specializes in cognitive neurology.
Dr. Finger's research focuses on understanding the cognitive, neural, and genetic substrates of abnormal decision-making, emotion, and social behavior. The research program combines neuropsychological tasks with functional MRI, diffusion tensor imaging, lesion studies, pharmacologic challenges, and genetic polymorphism associations to delineate the cognitive and neural systems affected in patients with Frontotemporal Dementia, related disorders and their at-risk family members.
Medical Interests
Dementia, Behavioural Disorders, Cognitive Disorders, Psychopathy, Empathy
Honours and Awards
2021 - present, Dean’s Award of Excellence- Individual, Awarded for excellence in academic endeavours with particular emphasis on exceptional performance in research, education, administration, innovation and/or public health impact. Type: Distinction
2021 - present, Dean’s Award of Excellence- PET ImagingTeam, This award recognizes exceptional achievement by a team in areas including research, education, administration, innovation, public service and/or public health impact. The award reflects the philosophy that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”.
2020 - 2024, Mid-Career Clinical Research Award, Salary support award for outstanding mid-career clinician-researcher. Physicians Services Incorporated Foundation, Ontario, Canada
2014 - 2019, Early Research Award, Award for promising early career researchers in Ontario which funds student and post-doctoral stipends. Ministry of Research and Innovation, Province of Ontario, $150,000, Type: Research award, Provincial, Ontario, Canada