
The Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry celebrates excellence in research and academics. We offer one of the highest levels of financial support for graduate students at Western and across Canada. A variety of internal awards, scholarships and fellowships exist to celebrate the achievements of our graduate students.

Listed below are awards presented for excellence in the Graduate Program:

Collip Medal Award

Awarded annually to the most outstanding graduating PhD student from one of the Basic Science Programs in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry. The award, established in 1959, commemorates the contributions of Dr. J. B. Collip, one of the School's former Deans.

2021 Jacqueline Dron
Miljan Kuljanin
 Benjamin Kleinstiver
2012 Chris Johansen
2009 James Duncan
2008 Sean Bendall
2007 Mary Olsten
2006 David Canton
2004 Sonya Clark
2003 Simon Sharpe
2000 Christy Fryer
1999 Steven Smith
1994 Brigitte Lavoie
1993 Andrew White
1992 Carolyn Smith
1991 Michael Surette
1988 David Litchfield
1985 Donald Nicholson
1979 Eric Ball
1978 Francis Sharom
1976 Frances Ann McElroy
1971-76 No medals were awarded
1970 Naim Kosaric 
1966 John W.D. MacDonald
1963 John Purko
1960 William Thompson
1959 Elizabeth Young Pearce

Cobban Student Award in Heart and Stroke Research

Established by Audrey and Delmar Cobban and matched by Robarts Research Institute, this award recognizes doctoral research in the area of heart and stroke disease.

2020 Julieta Lazarte
2019 Julieta Lazarte
2018 Jacqueline Dron

Dr. Bishnu D. Sanwal Graduate Performance Award

Awarded to Biochemistry graduate students for performance in the graduate student seminar, participation in the visiting speakers program and general departmental affairs, and willingness to assist peers.

Jashan Gill
Emma Walker
Brianna Gonga-Cave, Beth Connelly
Gabriel Onea
Jeremy Lant
2019 Matthew Berg
2018 Karen Dunkerley
2017 None
Mike Eliis
Stephanie Dorman
2014 Tom McMurrough  

Dr. William Zaharia Award

Awarded to students for excellence in the Department of Biochemistry PhD program.

2022 Jeremy Lant
2021 Karen Dunkerley
 Matthew Berg
2019 Christina Chung
2018 Amy Burke
2017 Jacob Aguirre-Butcher
Stephanie Dorman
2015 L. Ashley Watson
 Benjamin Kleinstiver
2012 Chris Johansen
2011 Matthew Lanktree
2010 Susan Safadi
2009 James Duncan
2008 Sean Bendall
2007 Mary Olsten
2006 David Canton
2005 Katrina Rodriquez-Capote
2004 Sonya Clark
2003 Simon Sharp
2002 Helen Petropolous
2001 Alan Ridgeway
2000 Christy Fryer
1999 Steven Smith
1998 Murray Junop
Alan Rigby
Michelle Rouleau
Brigitte Lavoie
 Andrew White
 Carolyn Smith
1991 Michael Surette
1990 Ann Marie Carig
1989 Ingrid Mehlhorn
1998 David Litchfield
1987 Steven Anderson
1986 Paul Walton
1985 Donald Nicholson
1984 Mark Peters
1983 Prem Seth
1982 Jane Wilson
1981 Paul Casola
1980 Tony Rupar
1979 Eric Ball
1978 Frances Sharom
1977 Jeff Lipton

Drs. Madge & Charles Macklin Fellowship for Publication/Research and Teaching


For full-time doctoral students in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry who have published their doctoral research as first author in a peer-reviewed journal.

2017 Karen Dunkerley 
Tara Condos
2011 Courtney Coschi
2010 Kristin Kernohan
2009 Nicole St. Denis

Research and Teaching

This award is for doctoral students in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry in order to recognize and reward excellence in teaching and research.

2019 Matthew Berg
Susan Safadi

Morris Kroll Memorial Scholarship in Cancer Research

For excellence in the field of cancer research.

2009 Gobi Thillainadesan

Nellie L. Farthing Memorial Fellowship in Medical Sciences

This award recognizes and rewards graduate students in Medical Sciences for excellence in research. It was established in 1960 through a generous legacy donation from Nellie Farthing.

2018 Jacqueline Dron
Mike Ellis
Bradley Stocks
2010 Bradley Stocks
2006 Mary Olsten
2002 Greg Vilk
2000 Derek McLachlin
1999 Derek McLachlin

Jonathan & Joshua Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Mental Health Research

This scholarship is given to doctoral students who are specializing in the neuroscience of mental health disorders and is generously made available by Mr. Robert McKinnon and friends.

2017 Renee Tamming

Jonathan & Joshua Memorial Graduate Travel Scholarship

This scholarship is given to a doctoral or Master's student who is specializing in mental health research and is generously made available by Mr. Robert McKinnon and friends.

2018 Karen Dunkerley

Chair's Travel Award

The Chair’s Travel Award is funded from the Bishnu Sanwal and Theodore Lo Graduate Endowment Fund to fulfill one of its primary objectives, namely to “Promote communication of research findings by supporting participation at international conferences.” This will also provide students with an opportunity for networking and establishing contacts for career progression, whether in academia, industry, or elsewhere.
(A) Students must be enrolled in the Biochemistry MSc or PhD program.
(B) The award must be used for expenses related to participation and presentation (poster or oral) at an international conference.
(C) Students may only receive one award during their graduate studies.

Initially set at $500, but may be changed as funding allows.
Application Process
The number of awards is limited, and applications will be evaluated on a competitive and continuous basis. Evaluations will be based on research productivity and potential of the travel to further a student’s career aspirations. Additional travel expenses are expected to be covered by other travel awards and/or the supervisor’s support.

Applications should include the following:
  • A list of manuscripts that have been published or accepted for publication.
  • The name of the conference, location, and date.
  • An abstract for the poster or oral presentation.
Please email your application to Megan Luckovitch.

The Dept. of Biochemistry at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry created the Bishnu Sanwal and Theodore Lo Graduate Endowment Fund to ensure that graduate training will continue in order to maintain Canada’s prestigious position at the forefront of medical research. The fund was named in honour of two former Chairs of Biochemistry, in recognition of their contributions, and was established by Dr. Chris Brandl when he was Acting Chair. See the Bishnu Sanwal and Theodore Lo Graduate Endowment Fund for further information.

Norman E. Nixon Marie Ramo Nixon Award

This award is given to a full-time graduate student in a Masters or PhD program who is working with a Robarts Research Institute Scientist. This award was established by a generous donation from Mrs. Marie Nixon.

2019 Jacqueline Dron

Dean's Research Scholarship

This program is being initiated in order to support Western University and Schulich Medicine & Dentistry’s commitment to enhance collaborative and translational research. Starting in the academic year 2020/21, a total of 10 awards per year to support graduate student research will be given. The scholarships will be in the amounts of $10,000 for Master’s students and $14,000 for PhD students per year, for two years.

2020 Benjamin Joris

WORLDiscoveries Scholarship for Commercialization/Entrepreneurship

WORLDiscoveries generously provided an award for Biochemistry graduate students to promote the pursuit of commercialization/entrepreneurship within the Dept. of Biochemistry. The award is no longer offered.

2018 Matthew Berg (Dr. Brandl's lab)
Haider Hassan (Dr. Torchia's lab)
2016 Charles Ishak (Dr. Dick's lab)