LPA Holiday Party and Awards of Excellence


The London Pathology Associates (LPA) Holiday Party was held on Thursday, December 7 at Bellamere Winery and Event Centre. At the event, the LPA Awards of Excellence for 2023 were announced.

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Joelle Maclean and Dr. Helen Ettler
Rebecca Glover and Dr. Helen Ettler 
(Not pictured) Thom Burberry and Kara McArthur

Donated by the London Pathology Associates, these awards recognize individuals who demonstrate exceptional mission-focus, initiative, co-operation with others, positive attitude and personal character among the staff in Pathology. This year’s winners were Joelle Maclean and our Lead Pathologists' Assistants: Thom Burberry, Rebecca Glover, and Kara McArthur.

Congratulations to all three well-deserving recipients.


2023: A Year of Honored Farewells and New Beginnings

By: Dr. Ettler

In twenty-three, a year of change, so keen,
We said goodbye to Jessica and Kamilia, a formidable team.
Their departure marked an end of an era so bright,
Leaving behind a legacy of dedication and insight.

In this year of transitions and new tides,
Sue, Stephanie and Dave also stepped aside.
Their years of service, a testament true,
To the commitment and passion they each daily drew.
A collective century, a remarkable feat,
Their absence felt, in every hallway and seat.

Then Anurag and Bojana, stepped through the door,
Bringing fresh perspectives, expertise, and more.
Their joining, a herald of a new chapter's start,
Welcomed with open arms, and a hopeful heart.

Digital pathology, a dream now becoming real,
Brought excitement and challenges, a new frontier to feel.
A world of pixels, data, and screens,
Marking a shift in how diagnoses convene.

But even with our new tracking system in place,
Came backlog challenges we had to face.
Specimens, blocks and slides endlessly queued,
Testing our resolve, and dampening our mood.

Yet, our team stood tall, against this rising tide,
Working extra hours, with patient care as our guide.
Through long nights and days, your resolve did amaze,
Each member's effort, deserving endless praise.

Amidst these trials, David and Rick's leadership stood firm,
Guiding our course through every twist and turn.
So here's to a year, rich in memories and tales,
To the LHSC Pathology team, whose spirit never fails.
In farewells and welcomes, our unity did show,
Together, stronger, in this journey we grow.