No strangers to change

In preparing to write my message for the March 2017 newsletter, my perspective is influenced by events occurring in the world beyond Schulich Medicine & Dentistry; such things remind me of Bob Dylan’s lyrics that the times they are a-changin’.

One need not look too far to find evidence: Brexit, the US presidential election, heck, Dylan being awarded a Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016.

Significant change is also taking place within the medical education program of our School: recruitment efforts for new Vice Deans (Faculty Affairs and Medical Education), and plans to incorporate competency-based medical education within the curriculum.

Developments like these require us to acclimatize in much the same way that we adapt our work/study practices when new technology is discovered; one simply finds a way to fit this into one’s routine. Even better if our processes are enhanced because of these new innovations.

We may not always agree with change; indeed many might resist it. Often though in the end and with the benefit of 'rear-view mirror' experience, we can see that change can lead us to places of goodness and productivity that we might not have discovered otherwise.

This is resiliency at its finest: we reframe and own change so that the cup is half-full as opposed to being half-empty. We make the best of it in much the same way as Ghandi implored us to be the change you wish to see in the world.

Soon we will be showcasing some of the best change agents within Schulich Medicine & Dentistry – Windsor Campus, when we come together for our sixth Celebration of Excellence evening on April 12. I hope you will be able to attend this very special event which has become the signature event for the Schulich Medicine - Windsor Campus.

This is one of those times that the highlights of the recent past come together in the wonderful fellowship of the present and we collectively have a chance to peer into the future through the comments that Dr. Strong shares with us; past, present and future all within a three-hour window.

In the meantime, consider adding Sunday, April 23 to your calendar as members of the Schulich Medicine – Windsor Campus family will converge on the Windsor Family Credit Union Centre for a free pizza lunch followed by some professional basketball with the Windsor Express taking on the London Lightning. We are hoping for a great turnout (families are welcome and kids can participate in some on-court activities). Complimentary tickets are limited, so please do not hesitate in contacting Nicole Sbrocca.

As spring approaches, take care and enjoy the outdoors.

Gerry Cooper, EdD
Associate Dean, Windsor Campus