Accreditation 2015 news: Mock Accreditation date rescheduled

The Mock Accreditation for the Undergraduate Medical Education program has been rescheduled from October 2014 to early January 2015. The proposed times will take place during the third week of January, with final dates to be determined very soon. The timing change will be beneficial to all faculty as it will take just a few months before the actual site visit.

The purpose of this Mock Accreditation process is to better prepare faculty for the site visit process and advise our Accreditation Team of areas of improvement that need to be addressed.

The change in the timing will allow the School to prepare for the mock and actual site visits. Preparatory training sessions will be planned this fall in London and Windsor, starting in October and taking place until the end of the first week in December. The training sessions will provide information on how an accreditation session works and the role you will play, questions you may expect to receive, and how to answer issues that could arise.