Website redevelopment ready for testing

Friday, February 21, 2014

The website redevelopment project has moved into the final round of the project plan: testing. All 21 Phase One websites are scheduled for completion March 1. As of this date, all websites will be done their content migration and ready for testing.

Throughout the month of March, the Communications Web Team will be reviewing all 21 websites. The review process includes quality assurance, brand approval, testing multiple website elements (including links, accessibility, graphics, etc.) and adding final elements to the sites, such as dynamic news feeds and events listings. Testing will be completed by April 1, with websites scheduled to launch in two batches starting in April.

Please be aware that many bookmarked links you have for our Phase One websites will be changing and you will need to update them in April. We will provide more information about the impact of changing links, how to be prepared and a listing of the websites being launched in April. Please make sure to check The Pulse and ThisWeek@Schulich for updates.

The Communications Web Team has started preparation for work with our Phase Two departments and programs. All Phase Two members have been contacted and provided a rough timeline of the Phase Two project critical path.

If you have any questions about the website redevelopment and upcoming site launch, please contact Kristin Tate,, ext. 88993