The New Staff Hiring Process & OneForm is coming. What Does it Mean for You?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

OneForm is a brand new tool that will support your work with the new staff hiring. It allows supervisors, hiring managers and Human Resources (HR) at the School to work with one comprehensive form as part of the hiring process for new staff. Currently in the testing phase, OneForm will soon be available for use across the School for all regular full-time hires.

Several months ago, the Project Management Office (PMO) began their work with a group of managers from across the School, along with HR at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry to redesign the staff hiring process. The result was a new hiring process and OneForm. OneForm takes all of the separate forms required previously as part of the hiring process and amalgamates everything from the Request for Hire to the final letter of offer (including the SAN, etc) into OneForm generated through SAS.

Testing of OneForm is underway with departments and units that have volunteered to be part of the pre-deployment phase of the project and will continue during the first quarter of the 2013 calendar year. Once testing is complete, comprehensive and hands on training will be provided to all departments and units within Schulich Medicine & Dentistry. All participants will leave the training session ready to use the new hiring process and OneForm. Moving forward from that point, users will be required to use OneForm for all regular full-time hiring.

The feedback during the testing phase regarding any part of OneForm, the standard operating procedures (SOP's), and online Help Screens in OneForm will ensure that the new form and process is effective prior to the rollout across the School

This is an exciting new development to our hiring process at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry. Watch for more updates about the process and OneForm on the Schulich Medicine & Dentistry website and The Pulse.