Commitment to the Community

Monday, December 16, 2013

Family history led Alexandra Farag, Meds 2015, to the Newcomer Health Project, a program that provides health care to government-assisted refugees.

Her grandparents were newcomers to Canada and she knows how difficult the adjustment can be. Through the Cross Cultural Learning Centre and the London Intercommunity Health Centre, Farag and medical students from Schulich Medicine & Dentistry act as a first point of contact for refugees in London.

"I've met incredibly resilient people from all over the world and have the privilege of sharing their stories," said Farag. The student initiative promotes treatment, medication and access to care for refugees with limited coverage. "I feel like it is my duty as a future health care provider to advocate for the health of our most vulnerable community members, the Newcomer Health Project has given me a platform to do this," said Farag.

Dr. Joseph Megyesi, Department of Neurosurgery, has been fascinated with the brain since medical school, an interest that inspired his involvement with the Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada (BTFC).

As chairman of the board of directors, Dr. Megyesi works to raise awareness, support patients and families living with brain cancer and fundraise in support of research. He has been with the foundation for over 25 years and says it is the most satisfying endeavor of his career.

"Through my work the BTFC I have been able to help get the word out about this disease," Dr. Megyesi said. "I have been able to help educate a large part of the community and I like to think I may have inspired others to help the community in their own way."

For Hilary Brown, PhD candidate, Department of Epidemiology and Statistics, sharing a love of science and research with community members is a fulfilling experience. She is the coordinator for Strong Bones, Strong Minds, Strong Muscles (SBSMSM), a student initiative that aims to make research publicly accessible through community activities and fundraisers for health-related charities.

The group has presented at schools and retirement homes across the London region. SBSMSM also brings together Schulich Medicine & Dentistry graduate students, as they often work in different departments and wanted to network and volunteer as a group. "We provide opportunities for graduate students from across all departments to meet and work together on a common goal, and we provide ways to for students to give back to the community by sharing our love of science," Brown said.