Building foundational data – our next step in the accreditation process

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Many faculty and staff across the School have been receiving requests to provide data and information in support of Accreditation. But just what is this data for? Termed Foundational Data; it is the first iteration of institutional knowledge that will be submitted to CACMS/LCME in 14 months. And it is needed to provide the "foundation" for the institutional self-study task force (ISSTF) review to be conducted from January to June 2014.

If you have received a request for information, you are urged to provide the most concise, accurate, answers to the questions presented. We are working to have all the foundational data complete by the end of December 2013.

Once compiled, reviewed and edited we expect there will be more than 1,000 pages of information for the ISSTF committees to analyze. During the course of the ISSTF, the material will be revised with any new policies, questionnaire data, or institutional changes that occur during, or as a result of the review. As the task force appraises the information, you may receive a request for clarification or be asked to review or comment on information gathered from another source.