Graduate Student Open Mic Night a Success

Friday, May 24, 2013

It was a night of strumming and singing, raising funds for a worthy cause. This year marked the second annual Open Mic Night organized by the Strong Bones, Strong Minds, Strong Muscles program. The program, organized by graduate students, has the mandate of delivering science and research awareness to the community, shortening the gap between researchers and the public. Each academic year, the program chooses one organization to raise funds for. Last year, funds went to the Alzheimer Society; this year, they are going to the Children's Health Foundation.

This year's Open Mic Night was well attended with 79 people purchasing tickets, raising $385 for the Children's Health Foundation. Organizer Hilary Brown, PhD Candidate, Epidemiology & Biostatistics said, "Our committee has been raising funds for health-related charities for almost two years. We will be writing a cheque to the Children's Health Foundation for $600, based on the funds raised from this Open Mic Night, as well as a bake sale that was held in late January". The group has already donated $380 from a Science Trivia Night held in November, 2012.

Click here to visit the Schulich Medicine & Dentistry Facebook page for photos from the event.