Title: Transdisciplinary Understanding and Training on Research - Primary Health Care (TUTOR-PHC).
Principal Investigator: Amanda Terry, PhD and Judith Belle Brown, MSW, PhD
Co-Investigators: R Ashcroft, O Bhattacharyya, M Breton, S Dahrouge, L Dolovich, C Donnelly, M Fortin, R Ganann, R Lavergne, A LeBlanc, E Marshall, M Mathews, R Martin-Misener, M Menear, K Nicholson, A Pinto, ME Poitras, V Ramsden, G Reid, B Ryan, T Sampalli, M Sasseville, E Wilson.
TUTOR-PHC is a one-year, pan-Canadian, interdisciplinary research training program capacity building program that has been training primary and integrated health care researchers and decision-makers from family medicine, nursing, psychology, epidemiology, social work, occupational therapy, education, policy and many other disciplines since 2003.
See the TUTOR-PHC website for more information.
For further inquiries contact the Project Coordinator.