Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2021

Congratulations to all our graduating students of 2021. This significant milestone represents the culmination of all your hard work and the commitment to excellence that is central to all programs in Anatomy & Cell Biology.

As you reflect upon your accomplishments, I know this is a bittersweet occasion for many of you. Against the background of the ongoing global pandemic, your final year in your program looked nothing like you imagined; much of it spent online with challenges to social interactions, human connection, and mental health.

But despite all of this, you made it! And although it may not always feel this way, you are stronger, more resilient, and more adaptable than any class that has come before you. You should therefore be confident in the amazing skillset that you acquired during your training that will help you accomplish your goals and ensure your success. The future is bright – you’ve got this!

Finally, always remember that your most important legacy will be the impact you have on others in the world. The current global situation has highlighted the critical need for empathy, creativity, collaboration, and evidence-based decisions to improve the world around us. Use your considerable talents kindly, wisely, and for the greater good.

Congratulations again – we are so proud of you

Alison Allan, PhD

Chair, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology